Just a daily farmer life in the Philippines

>be a farmer
>Plant crops
>Haciendero and his goons pulled out along with their armalites.
>"Wh-what can I do for you l-lord?"
>Haciendero looks at the uneducated farmer disgustingly.
>"You need to move out, i bought your land"
>"B-but this is the land of my grandfather's grandfath-"
>"It's my land now"
>"Whe-where are the papers of this transactio-"
>"Here" the Oligarch Haciendero pulled out a bullshit paper knowing that the farmer is an uneducated fuck.
>Farmer can't read
>"O-ok, but where will I go?"
>"Not my problem"
>"B-but ser! I have to feed my-"
>"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! Or Rodriguez here will fucking light you up puta!"
>"Ye-yes i will leave immediately"

>Tfw when you can't appeal to the mayor because the oligarch is the brother of the mayor in the same dynasty ruling your fucking region for the past 100 years"
>Tfw when the government laughs at farmers because they are fucking dumbass who obeys everything the oligarchs said
>That feeling when the local oligarch have satisfaction in torturing the local farmers
>Tfw when you cannot even revolt because you don't have any weapons

My father and uncle always repeatedly tell this story to me as they are sakadas (sugar cane farmers). Thankfully we're middle class now due to the education my father received. Though my father and uncle's method of coping is by praying of course. They literally said to me: "Jesus Christ grant mercy to the poor and he will provide shit". Meanwhile the hacienderos are laughing at the religious farmers like my uncle because he believes superstitious shit while being exploited.

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"Je-Jesus will help me feed my wife and sons! Just believe in hi-AGGGCCKKK"

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>shift + click

"I'm pretty sure Mama Mary is delighted by my Labor being exploited by my haciendero. Anyways back to slaving in sugarcanes"

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They were probably big nosed shitheads, similar problems happened everywhere else involving them and land ownership.

Yah but it's fucking insane here. Literally bringing a private army just to steal a poor farmer's land. Wtf

Tell your family to read the book of Acts of the Apostles, especially Acts 2:38, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. This is salvation. Abandon the beast religions like Catholicism and its daughters protestantism and orthodoxy.

Even fucking worse. Literally the religion of oligarchs. At the very least the Catholic church here sympathize with the hardships of the poor. The protestants here are fucking upper class pompous niggers

I don't pretend to understand exactly what's going on here, but as far as I know, Filipinos enjoy the right to buy and own pistols, and rifles of their choosing correct? So the farmers who own land need to be willing to defend it from con artists and various criminals.

>Filipinos enjoy to buy rif-
No such thing as 2nd Amendment here burger. Literally the only weapon they have is a fucking machete. I'm not kidding, gun restrictions here are fucking insane. It's probably to ensure peace so that we won't revolt

They couldn't afford guns and owning a gun takes a lot process, government paperworks and buying a copy government IDs and background clearing. Most of them rather carry some machete or sharp weapon to scare off corrupt businessmen.

Right wingers, loyalists of any corrupt dynasties will suck their dicks and call the defenseless farmers a communist-to-kill.

It’d be worse if the spaniards hadn’t converted you to catholicism. Muslims will let anything slide if it can be portrayed as allah’s will by the people shitting on them

>be philipino
>step outside
>see monkey
>day ruined
You make shit threads you stupid monkey

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Fuck communists too. Commies do not symphatize with the farmers here. In fact the fucking NPA raid farmer villages for supplies. Fuck the Capitalist, fuck the commies. In fact the leader of communist groups here are fucking white women in the netherlands while spreading marxist ideas. Kill all communists, kill all capitalists. Fucking shekel bastard grabbing fucks!!!

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The christcuck reaps bis just rewards

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I may hate some of the Christcucks, but local priests here are based. They actually know manual labor and shit. Sometimes the church helps the people. Fuck the proddies though, all proddies here are upper class niggers.

Flips are weird. Multiple times in my life Flips told me I could marry their 16 year old cousin from the Philippines or go to their village and just choose the girl I wanted.

It's actually true

At least you're not a Christcuck. That alone makes you more useful than 99% of poorfag submissive farmers. If my land was taken away like that I would start plotting to behead the haciendero's head with a machete instead of worshipping the stick Jew

Actually I'm a Christcuck. I just hate fucking submissive fucks who says Jesus will fix everything