Since the dawn of the Republican Party, they have been a cancer to society...

Since the dawn of the Republican Party, they have been a cancer to society. They exist only to obstruct progress and prevent the country from moving forward. They are the party of no, and they have shown time and time again that they are only interested in furthering their own agenda and not the agenda of the American people.

Republicans have time and time again shown that they are against progress. They were against the abolition of slavery, they were against women's suffrage, they were against the civil rights movement, and they are currently against any sort of gun reform. They have shown that they are nothing but a roadblock to progress and that they will do everything in their power to prevent the country from moving forward.

The Republican Party is nothing but a bunch of old, white men who are out of touch with the American people. They are funded by special interests and corporations, and they only care about furthering their own agenda. They are against everything that would actually help the American people, and they only care about lining their own pockets.

The Republican Party is a cancer to society, and as long as they exist, we will never be able to move forward. They are nothing but a bunch of obstructionists who are only interested in their own agenda. Write them off, and write off any chance of the country ever moving forward.

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rabbi #14324 please consult you nearest lucifer ambassador as you have violated the rules of shilling.

rest of the Any Forums goyim please ignore this thread

100 percent FACTS.


Jesus, even the bait threads are low effort now. This board really is dead.

The Republican party freed the slaves that set the US back thousands of years.

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There is no forward or backward on a sphere.

Merely kicking jews out of countries doesn't work.

Is it raining on Russia, tonight Serg? Does your debit card work?

Man will always fail you for it is written that all men fall short before the Glory of God. Trust instead in The One Who will never fail, God.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

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Democracy thrives as a compromise of conflicting opinions.
Cancelling one side because you feel your opinion is better is simply the first step to totalitarisnism.

You’re right, freeing the slaves in the US was a huge mistake and a definite hindrance to progress. Good old democrats with Jim Crow, the KKK etc.

Trump got impeached twice and voted out. Putin is sitting the bed in Ukraine. Lol. How does it feel faggots?

Forgot meme flag, schlomo.

Sometimes progress isn't a good thing; progress can easily go in the "wrong direction" such as the progressing rise in violence against Asians. I'll give you a hint and point out that white, hispanic, asian, middle eastern, and indigenous people aren't responsible for this rise in violence against Asians.

Feels unironically comfy you nigger

The sad thing is the dems are so unpalatable the Republicans are going to all but wipe them off the face of the Earth in Nov.
The only dems left will be the progressives from deep blue districts. It will take well over a decade before the dem party can unfuck itself.

This is why most nations enslaved other nations instead of bringing the enslaved peoples into their nation. America fucked up pretty badly with this approach, but then again, most of Africa has few genetic plant resources worth exploiting, nor did they have such researches during the 1600s.

Every time I bitchslap a faggot anti-American cunt on /polI have to take a big bonghit and laugh. It's like keeping mice.

dont you have some chicken or watermelon to eat?

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The absolute universal truth is that conservatives are human filth that must be exterminated.

Let me tell you about earlier democrats brother, before the parties reversed

I hate Republicans, but I hate pedocrats even more. Both of them pale in comparison to how much I hate you molach serving amalek kikes.


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>obstruct progress
>the jews idea of progress is literally shit 3rd world
Anyone in their right mind would obstruct progress if your definition of progress is purple haired dykes, dick cutting groomers, diversity, and more government. Thank you for confirming my hatred of jews is justified.

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Before they lose the south democrats supported slavery, segregation and Jim crow, brother

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Do you still get paid if you're so incompetent that you forget to use a meme flag or enable your VPN?