Today i got a writting from the Goverment that they will put me in prison for 5days bcause i didnt pay a $350 fine for riding bus without a ticket.

I will go to hotel for 5days guys beside i could easy pay that fine. Free food, free TV, drugs and playing billiard. The cells of that prison are open for 7h a day to spend with your inmates.

>how does your country handle such stuff??

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Yeah same in Germany but with a lot more shitskins

Good riddance.

Time to brush up on your Albanian before you go in.

Huere behinderte mongo, zahl doch eifach?

your reputation will be tainted forever.

escape to italy, then quickly cross to france and hide in a remote town for next half a year. they will forget about you.

>riding bus without a ticket
Ah yes, we've heard rumours of that one nigger in Switzerland

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You now have a criminal record retard.

Hahahahahah normal. Denn wenn bulle vor de tür staht. Wixxers söllet sich bewege und geld vor de türe go hole.

Sho 2mal so gmacht. Immer lustig mit dene lache über wie behindert de staat ish und polizei schickt für so öpis.

No brother. Only when you get into jail. Even when the police comes for you to take you in there and you pay them at your door. You wont have a criminal record

hättsch gschider e bank um millione betroge, denn hettisch na en orde übercho.
Oder es paar minderjährigi vergwaltigt, da wirsch mit 100'000 stutz belohnt i eusem tolle land :)

Do you get a record?
And you will still have to pay the fine, I think.

But, yeah, just don't pay it. Every little bit of resistance is good. I just wish you had resisted a mask ticket instead. Not paying for fare is less morally justifiable.

Kek. Germany is lost. This summer you will get another 250k flüchtlinge who are eating your taxmoney

It's shit and I won't defend it, but at this point I feel as if Germans need a jolt and experience some diversity. I think most people do not realize that other races are different from them. Experiencing diversity is the best red-pill.
I know what areas to stay away from. I'll be fine for the most part. I enjoy watching liberals getting enriched, though.

strafregister ihtrag isch aber nöd so geil

Ja sho. Han mal en pedo gschlage mitnem kolleg wo mehr verwütscht hend binem spielplatz sin schwanz am zeige. Mir hend meh straf becho als er. lol

This country is finito. We have 10years more to survive than germany. Bcause when germany is weimar 2.0 zhe germans will come here and fuck this country up too.

Bechunsh keine. Nur wenn sie dich mitnehmet. Wenn du ah de türe polizei das zahlsch wot musch. Gönds wieder lol

du tönsch wie en jugo

Yeah good point.
Watch Berlin Sin City on youtube. Its about the degeneracy of LGBT in germany 1920 and at the end they show you how Göbbels took back Berlin when he started to act like the NPD(Franz Franz ) has said last week that the NPD now starts to grassroot into small Villages. Göbbels did the same. Then purged berlin off of the communists and lgbt jews.

Ich bin au en jugo. Ich hasse jude, neger und albaner. Die machet das land kabbut.

Bisch vo de Junge Freiheit?
Wot mal mit go wandere cho. Und anti-semitischi welt ahschauige verbtreite.

D'schwizer jugend muss wüsse das Jude nöd vergasst worde sind. Sonder verhungeret will t'allierte alli Zuggleise zerbombt hend.
Zyklon B ish es deluusigs mittel gsi. Ide usa hets DDT gheise.
Meishte jude sind verhungeret und a thypus gstorbe.

Und spass bi kein jugo. Ich schrieb nur fasht nie grösseri sätz und mir isch rächtschriebig in Schwizerdütsch eigentlich scheiss egal

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