What happened?

Racial difference aside what happened to them?

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400 years of slavery, jim crow and systemic white supremacy.


both niggers to me

they were doing so good, but then it got ruined, I think that if you have 1 nigger surrounded by 10 whites, he will act like a white, if you have 5 niggers and 5 whites, niggers will make a ghetto and act like niggers, + the didun nothing complex and white man bad, enables them even more

Then why do niggers have the exact same crime rates in Canada, where none of that shit was an issue?

Holy shit please tell me you're joking? Look at the photo and read what you just said.


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400 years is what made them who they are
not the non homo sapian human genes

i see 4 niggers

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Drugs happened....Most black men are junkies...when some black getting killed partly reason is always drugs....to get them or get money for them .

The men on the left had 320 years of slavery, jim crow and systemic white supremacy. If you gonna leafpost, don't be mindnumbingly dumb about it.
>Racial difference aside what happened to them?
Lyndon B. Johnson.


Who do you think invented crack?

the two on the left are probably 3/4 European. You know damn well ain't no dark skin nigga flying a plane



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I found on the ADL list of dank maymays thanks moishe

We got destroyed by rap culture. Genetics play a role too.

Seriously. It’s fucking retarded, you have single moms letting their kids listen to “kill, rob, rape” shit from 5 years old and get shocked when they look up to those male figures as their dads.

Genetics play a role, since my parents moved here from nigeria and both were the studious types that excelled at schools, I inherited their above average IQ (I’m no genius, but 120 IQ is pretty much Albert Einstein to African Americans/Canadians).

I feel isolated since I do not relate to a lot of my blacker peers. My plan is to find a smart black girl one day and try to bring up the average of blacks, I’ll die alone if that doesn’t happen.

Anyways yeah, fuck rap. Shit is poisonous to young people. It’s even affecting some whites now. I do find it funny that leftists will adamantly argue that media like rap can’t influence people, but at the same time, they’ll say we need more ethnic/gay/bi/trans peoples in media so it can become normalized.

Media does have major influence in peoples perception of reality, and rap being as popular as it is shows in how sick society has become.


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