Why is the Nigger dumb?

Why is the Nigger dumb?

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living in africa is easy-tier they never had to evolve

We took them out of their containment continent and bred them to be as big and dumb as possible.
Then we set them free, but still wouldn't let them go to our schools so they got even dumber.
Then we started paying them piles of money to throw around and bounce balls for our amusement, so they got even bigger AND dumber.
And after all of this we're complaining about them being dumb monkeys.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. We brought in an invasive species for our benefit and amusement and now it's taking over.

Reforming the education style of the U.S. would do fucking wonders for the whole population. HI TOM!

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years of evolution in africa never forced niggers to think ahead
niggers are ultimate females - they are always, eternally, "living in the moment"
therefore they are like women taken to extreme - extremely dumb

Ubuntu: everything is shared, there is no biological necessity to be good at anything, only freeloading is selected for. Do this for thousands of years and the dysgenic result is sub Saharan Africa. I think that the Afro-centrists are partially correct: they were kangz, but now they are retards.

>Why is the Nigger dumb?

1: Rather than leaving Africa they stayed and interbred with more primitive hominid species with diminished cranial capacity.

2: Animals adapt to their environment and while Europeans, Asians and Native Americans have been adapting to live in agrarian societies for thousands of years, niggers continued to live in hunter gatherer societies without language or mathematics where there is no real survival advantage to being intelligent. So while other peoples were becoming gradually more intelligent on average over thousands of years subsaharan Africans weren't and on top of that when Africans came into contact with the outside world they were enslaved which also kept them from living in an environment that would promote the genes for greater intellect.

TLDR: Evolution.

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das rite! now we be taking your waifus too white boi

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Not a human. Bix hood niggy

Humans rule the planet, not niggers

Could you imagine some ayys show up to help all intelligent life and they don’t recognize niggers as anything but the animals they are and the fucking seething that would ensue

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>Could you imagine some ayys show up to help all intelligent life and they don’t recognize niggers as anything but the animals they are and the fucking seething that would ensue
More likely they'd think you and your tiny white hands are the joke lmao

Is that you tenda?

Why do you worship niggers so much?

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Smaller prefrontal cortex.

Because australia and africa are the easiest places in the world to survive in, so they never learn no skills. Probably.

Doesn't that just mean he had a shit childhood and background? Instead of his bi-racial status.

Genetic separation from the rest of the species due to the Sahara desert cutting them off.


not even trying anymore Moishe, you retards need to stop replying to this weak shit.

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>What if the reason that average IQ correlates with latitude is because climate imposes a ceiling on average IQ, not necessarily selects for a particular IQ level? There is some evidence that head and brain size faced biological constraints in the tropics, due the problem of overheating. And indeed, average head size increases with latitude, as can be seen here on this map of the average cranial capacities of indigenous populations

>Head size (and hence brain size) does indeed correlate with IQ, both between individuals and between groups, but it’s not a perfect correlation. Far northerners, such the Inuit, have the largest heads (and largest brains) but not necessarily the highest IQs (as well, peoples with the smallest heads don’t necessarily have the lowest IQs, but as one can see from comparing this map to the first, the pattern is fairly solid overall).

Nomad races don't integrate in to society. Either they established society on their own at some point before interaction with more advanced races or they are permanently stuck, develop a culture around syphoning off the dominant culture like parasites.

shoes and bicycles

No winter to kill off the dumb ones.