Serious question Any Forums

Serious question Any Forums.

Why do you depict the zoomers as frizzy haired pussies when in reality we’re the generation that’s actually going to throw pipe bombs at politicians?

>We vandalize our schools because it’s funny
>we think the most insanely violent shit is funny
>our women wear whatever cutsie feminine shit they want and your millennial women copy them
>we do whatever the fuck we want when we want and if you get mad at us we just think it’s even funnier
>our chads are a million times more vicious than yours
>our virgins are still toxic to the core and will gaslight the fuck out of you

Yeah there’s a few trannies here and there, but overall it’s a goddamn snake pit.

Oh and one last thing. We hate all of you for allowing such a shitty and disgusting society to be built.

I’ll throw a million fucking pipe bombs before I allow the next generation to be poisoned by concrete jungles and micro plastics.

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Get back to redbit, you little fucking home.

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this boomers and millennials are pussy faggots who just sat by while they got raped by the elite, Zoombros will get it done

>we’re the generation that’s actually going to throw pipe bombs at politicians?
Well, what are you waiting on?

I don't speak nigger.

>haha we dont care, it's funny to us

Reddit? You mean that place that’s full of millennial faggot starwars fans?


All those things you mentioned are precisely why we view you as soulless demonfags. Too busy scrolling your phone while you take a shit to realize how fucked everything about your behavior is.

You are the ultimate dependent programmable consumers.

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Sounds like Argentina a few years ago when I was in school. Are you sure you're not just getting progressively dumber and third worldier?
Because your post hit way too close to home it's like you were describing an argie public school

nice bait nigger

>we’re the generation that’s actually going to throw pipe bombs at politicians?
I mean, I certainly hope that's gonna be the case because you are the most fucked over down the line. The revolution is either in you or the gen alpha. Boomers are the ones that sold out the world, millenials like me are a forgotten, doomer generation.

We'll see about that nigger

Yeah there’s actually no point in trying to convey anything to you retards.

We make fun of the disgusting pile of filth you’ve allowed and anytime your failure to prevent it is brought up you deflect.

“Uh huh I thought you didn’t care”

Actual boomer mentality. Look at yourself.

no1 cares about zoomer men, but yes zoomer women are top of the charts for the moment

Zoomers have even less sense of community and nation than millenials. Little gronks and ferals, raised in a hyper-judeo-capitalist nightmare.

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Pick one

you won't do shit kid

We use the technology of the time to learn and communicate in the most advance possible way in all of human history.

You freak losers actually can’t even keep up with us.

Besides you’re the consumer retards who let it get to the point where ad sense follows us everywhere, every email is readable by the providing server and social media is cucked beyond belief.

We actively shit on ad sense while laughing about how it actually works on millennials and boomers.

You are the consumer retards.

When millennials were growing up they were also quite violent, disrespected teachers/authority and talked a lot of smack. Its quite amazing they rolled over and became such pathetic pussies. It just turns out the vast majority of normies would rather get vaccinated than look for a different job or be socially ostracized.

You've got a point. I think they are all on TikTok these days.