Dave Ramsey: Buy a house NOW or you’re fucked

Dave Ramsey is saying that now is the best time to buy a house. Not last month, last year, or last decade. Now. Why? Because prices will not be coming back down.

Is he right or are you wrong and you are seething and coping?

youtube.com/watch?v=g1g0zJRncIk [Open]

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Why do people keep posting this?

Even if I were to buy a home, I couldn't be able to pay off the mortgage. Yeah I can buy a cheap home, but it will probably be in a dangerous part of town, so I rather not deal with such a headache.

the prices are about to drop and hes gunna go broke.
let him.

this is probably the worst time in 150 years to buy a home

Because the interest rates are about to go up. When interest rates go up, house prices go down. Which is great because CHEAP houses, right? Nope. You’re paying more money to a bank. When house prices go up, interest rates generally have to go down so more people can afford which at first sounds like it sucks but more of the value of the home goes to the owner rather than the bank.

>prices are not going to go down

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Lmao because this kills the zoomie.

>Buy at the top goy

You should buy a house when it aligns with your life situation. Trying to time the market is folly either way

Personally I think people should wait until after the crash like in 2010. These prices will crash unless these banks keep buying the properties and foreigners. This is why the market is inflated for houses.

Dave is the ultimate fighting champion of real estate market.

If you don't have a home you are Fucked!



Guy who sells real estate tells you to buy now

Process may crash, but interest rates will skyrocket.
If you're rich and can just drop the full price of a house that's great. If you're poor, you're even more fucked than you are now.

I just bought a few months ago. Perfectly at the peak.
I wouldn't be able to buy a house even for half price with cash anytime soon. So high price and low interest works for me better than eternally renting.

I didn't buy a house. I bought everything to make them.

Desperate boomers with no retirement savings praying the housing bubble doesn't pop

>he thinks prices go down

there's a chance that you might end up in a situation where you're making a fifth of what a house costs a year like boomers but by then houses will be 2 million and your income will be 300K a year and considering the income vs house price is still astronomical I wouldn't count on it happening.

Anybody who bought over the past 18 months just ruined their life anyway. Prices will be falling 10-20% per year over the next decade as mortgage rates continue to move up and boomers continue to die off. The “supply shortage” is a meme outside of certain markets with genuine shortages like California, Miami, NYC, and Seattle

This is only step one. I bought a house in a within a community that two HOA’s and max two black families out of 100 homes. Trust me I checked. The HOA’s are my firewall against poors and other darkies wanting to move here. Homes start at 700k and we have three golf courses within a two mile radius.

Another note, rent is not going down.
Prices for buying will drop, but rent will only go up.
My house payment is a decent bit less than rent.

So if you're asking if you should buy now keep all this in mind.

I'm building small farm style homes with my dad in SC and they're going for 120k-240k on average with granite countertops and nice wood floors and stuff. We make about 6k off a small house, which isnt much factoring in the time investment but it keeps food on the table. Most builders are just price gouging trying to pretend the market is surging when it isnt. But there's always builders who are willing to build some young people a house for a modest price. We're just hard to find is all. Fuck buying though. It's way better to build. Especially if you can do a cost plus deal.

>Which is great because CHEAP houses, right?
>Nope. You’re paying more money to a bank
>The seller is going to turn down a cash offer.

>He thinks a house is an asset and not a liability
Materials don't magically fix themselves.

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>prices will not be coming back down.

Its 2008 all over again, as soon as gas prices reduce consumer demand, summer travel and people get behind on their mortgages and it all comes tumbling down. First people to go are those in the last 2 years that bought 50% overvalued houses.

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LMAO touting HOAs as a good thing.
Enjoy getting assraped by HR women who legally get to peg you with as big of a dildo as they like.

Fuck that. Wait for the collapse. Seriously. It will collapse at some point and that's when you go in balls deep and get the house you want.


Depends how much cash you have.
I bought the home I live in, and plan on living in for at least a decade (even if the market crashes, it’s really more of a dip when it does, it always ends up higher than before due to inflation), when interest rates were low, and I only put enough down to avoid PMI.
When rates go up and cost drops, I’m going to use my cash to buy some property outright for cheaper.