Roman Demographics

Was Rome a multicultural society?

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Maybe but the important thing is they had no Jews

Yes that's why it collapsed.

Yes but they take their citizenships very very very very very FUCKING SERIOUSLY!

Oh you're not a citizen of Rome? You fucking subhuman!

May I introduce you to the story of the origins of the ((Catholic Church))

user... Judea was a Roman province for 600 years.

rome proper or the roman empire? because the roman empire was multicultural as shit. theres no way it could not be just looking at a map alone. sure many tribes adopted roman custom, but they mainly became feoderati

Depends at which point in its history you're asking about. As it declined, the barbarians culturally enriched it into the Dark Ages.

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>Blaming the Catholic Church
Did you forget the goddamn g*rmanic barbarians? Read the barbarian migrations and the accounts of Valentinian the I and what thos bogniggers tell him. Also read what the reaction of Emperor Valens when Fritigern pulled that shit across the rhine to migrate. It will make your skin crawl, literally straight out of "Camp of the Saints"

rome provided benefits (gibbs?) to client states and many of the "barbarian" tribes in exchange for military assistance, but the romanization of these tribes pretty much ended there and they all retained the bulk of their customs and traditions, as evidenced by the fact that after the "fall" of rome, most of the world reverted back to its normal state just with some basic roman innovation.

What compels people to post things that they have no knowledge of with such conviction? You are on the internet now. 10 percent of Rome was jews.

The foederati was a fucking mistake. After the g*rmanic barbarians pulled their migration "Camp of the Saints" style, they did not integrate. Instead they created their own fucking barbarian kingdoms at the heartland of Roman Empire and adopted a heretic faith (arianism), to further distinguish themselves from the Romans and get some welfare gibs.

Romans were racial supremacists literally describing anyone darker or whiter than them as inferior lmao
But yes they conquered many cultures

>Camp of the Saints

Neat! Thanks for telling me about these things, well read user.

Magical blonde Augustus is to whites what magical black Cleopatra is to blacks.
In both cases there is a shitton of visual and written evidence he/she looked nothing like either wewuzzer imagines him/her (Augustus being short, tanned, beak nosed and unibrowed to top it off, far from Nordic looking), but the wewuzzers still cling to the delusion so bad because he/she have been made such a pivotal figure to their travesty that if the truth came out much of their narrative would fall apart

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To illustrate what I mean with a meme that even brainlets on Any Forums should be able to grasp, this

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I think I'm the only SEAnigger flip who reads Evola, Mosley, Mussolini, Leon Degrelle, Roman History and shit. Fuck our national books are fucking retarded, dry and uninspiring.

I'm in the same position

At least you fucking have the Carlist

>Magical blonde Augustus is to whites what magical black Cleopatra is to blacks.
Except we literally have contemporary descriptions from historians such as Pliny who specifically say Augustus had blue eyes and fair hair, you dumb nigger.

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> He was unusually handsome and exceedingly graceful at all periods of his life, though he cared nothing for personal adornment. His expression, whether in conversation or when he was silent, was calm and mild.…He had clear, bright eyes, in which he liked to have it thought that there was a kind of divine power, and it greatly pleased him, whenever he looked keenly at anyone, if he let his face fall as if before the radiance of the sun. His teeth were wide apart, small and ill-kept; his hair was slightly curly and inclining to golden; his eyebrows met.…His complexion was between dark and fair. He was short of stature, but this was concealed by the fine proportion and symmetry of his figure, and was noticeable only by comparison with some taller person standing beside him.

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Whites aka germanics invaded and destroyed it

Sort of, there was only one official culture though but they didn’t care about provincials continuing their old ways

I'm a SEAnigger who lives in the U.S.

Wtf are you even talking about kek

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kikes paid no taxes at certain points too throughout the entirety of the roman empire and into the byzantine years

I think you’re the new Seychelles bot. There’s something off about you. I’ve seen you before. Saying the same thing for no reason.

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Yeah i guess specifically in public life. I also didnt consider the largesse. That obviously Roman empire had to tolerate the others.
I guess more broadly i wondered about the unilateralism of the goverment

The Byzantines revolted when they learned that the jews that ran the ports paid no taxes.

Cave Christos

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Okay retard.

Rome was monocultural but multiethnic.
They used syncretic methods to put Roman culture on top of local culture without uttery destroying it like Christians mostly did later.

>physical description from Pliny
Great, let's read it!
>capillum leviter inflexum et subflavum; supercilia coniuncta; mediocres aures; nasum et a summo eminentiorem et ab imo deductiorem; colorem inter aquilum candidumque; staturam brevem -
>capillum subflavum
There's literally not coming back from this. No amount of cope will turn "less than blonde" into "blonde".
As for the rest of the description to dispel your funny copes, you can read it here

As citizenship extended to a greater number of people, Rome declined further. For centuries, the base of power was a small group of families that ran Rome

redpill me on this event user. i'll go read about it

It was about as multicultural as the British Empire when they ruled the poos and abos

>inb4 sand niggers’ Semitic screeching

I don't know who you're talking about. Ive been off for like a week.

show flag

Rome was sacked by arian Christians who are only called Barbarians because Nicea had just codified what “Christianity” meant legally. Suddenly at least half of the Christians a year before were now legally declared pagan barbarians.

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ignore all the retards, i've studied classics at the university level and the answer is yes.
Pure monoethnic Rome was lost forever after the Social War (91 - 88 BC). After this war against the socii (i.e. former Roman allies in their imperial conquests), all of them got granted citizenship - Oscan breeds like Samnites, Vestini, Etruscans, Marsians.
And this began the long process of all sorts of niggers being granted citizenship, and the extinction/dissolution of the Roman race.
The next scandal was the admission of Gauls not only to citizenship (49 BC), but ultimately even to the Senate by the emperor Claudius in AD 48.
And you just had progressively more niggers, sandniggers, and forest-niggers migrating and creating a giant globohomo, culminating in emperor Caracalla's decree in the early 200s AD.

>subflavum sub+flavum
>SUB= below, less than
>Flavum= blonde
>LESS than blonde magically equals blonde
There is literally no cope to come back from this, it's over. You can't turn "less than x" into "x" lmao.

Case in point, how the ROMANS ACTUALLY PAINTED HIS HAIR COLOUR (as proven by pigments found on the statue) >but muh delusional nordicists translated everything as blonde
Yeah and afrocentrists translate tawny as Congo nigger complexion lmao.

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Sounds familiar

I know what you mutts imply with 'multicultural'. No there were no fucking niggers. No such thing as multicultural mutt utopia before the invention of the fucking steam engine you mestizo morons. All people could trace ancestry in the same town and valley for hundreds of years. Traveling even from Rome to Milan was a incredibly long and perilous journey, imagine from jungle bingo bongoland up to Carthage. For fuck's sake. Rome had plenty of Levantines and Anatolians because of trade but they lived in their own ghettos and looked like Bashar al Assad.

Also i love how everyone keeps ignoring the rest of his physical description (short, hooknosed, unibrowed) that even the most delusional nordicists were not able to twist and that paints quite a different portrait from that of a nordic-looking man LMAO.
Whites can not face the truth and prefer to retreat to a world of fantasy that is why they endlessly cope about muh day of the rope that never comes as their race is both humiliated and driven extinct.

Southern Europeans aren't white. And thus I don't care if all whites go extinct.