I've spent nearly all of my adult life overseas (not a ZOGbot, thx).
>inb4 ESL faggot

In that time, I have lived in what many would consider "regimes."

Communist Vietnam
Wahhabist Saudi Arabia (prior to MBS's faggotry)
Post-Crash Thailand
Putin's Russia
Literal fucking Afghanistan
Tahrir-Square-Era Egypt
... and I've traveled to many, many, many dozens further.

What we are all living under right now is, I shid you not, the most totalitarian regime I have ever lived under. Not only is it the most openly oppressive totalitarian regime I've ever lived in, it is the most aggressively disgusting, elitist, disconnected, insane, divisive, disenfranchising regime I've ever lived in.

So, for those of you asking yourself "when will America fall?" I am here to tell you:
1) it has already fallen
2) it is way worse than you probably realize

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I made this post because I think some of you are still laboring under the delusion of hope. If you've only ever lived in the USA, you have no frame of reference, truly, of just how inane the "freedoms" you were always told you have actually are. I'm not being melodramatic when I'm telling you that literal fucking Saudi Arabia has a level of freedom you cannot even begin to imagine. All of the "freedoms" you always thought you had were lies to begin with, but now, you're not even allowed that comforting lie. You truly, blessedly, have no idea just what an obscene open-air prison this place is. You might have some vague notion of it, but chances are quite good that you are simply totally ignorant of just how bad your life is, how limited your choices are, and how ridiculous this country is.

1. Do you mean this statement in a left leaning or right leaning way, or do you have your own political leanings on the matter?
2. Elaborate. What are the specifics that make America oppressive compared to what you have seen overseas?

America hasnt been free since the early 1900s with government unions / government careers, forced tax, and Central banks, nothing new.

Can you provide examples of what you mean?
Voting rights, gun ownership, private property ownership, education availability, food and healthcare availability?

Woah what a revelation. I didn't know the the US was a totalitarian shithole, never noticed.

Also, what's your opinion on the other major first world countries in comparison? (Like the UK, France, Canada etc)

Gay larp. Back to leftypol


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Are you one of those "love it or leave it" retards? I'm not a leftist nor did their post come off as such. The mainstream "right" is garbage too.

>Communist Vietnam
>Post-Crash Thailand
>Tahrir-Square-Era Egypt

Literally resort countries with cheap hotels with unlimited buffets

1) I mean it in a general way. Being a rootless-cosmopolitan gallivanting Gen Xer shitlord, I spent most of my life blissfully apolitical.

2) Take Saudi Arabia, for example, as it relates to "freedom of speech." There are super-fucking-clear rules in the KSA. Don't talk shit about the Sauds. Don't talk shit about any facet of Islam. Outside of that, you can say whatever the fuck you want. Everyone knows the rules because the rules are totally fucking explicit. There is no faggotry, no cancelling, no thoughtcrime, no tip-toeing around topics that may-or-may-not offend some random person with an axe to grind. I know which system I preferred living under, and which one seems more free.

wow ok. wtf are you talking about?

If you have a problem with articulation, then write it up /before/ you post, idiot.

don't care plus i didn't ask and you're probably a cocksucking fag too based on how you write. go post your blog somewhere else. didn't read too long.

t. zoomer

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>Putin's Russia
Where exactly if you don't mind me asking and what was your experience?

I myself have no interest living under Islam either... But America definitely isn't "land of the free" and hasn't been, that I can agree on. America needs to be fixed. Separate ethno states and defunded government / end government careers is the solution.

Those are not 'freedoms' over all. Those are generally cultural systems in place to support the system of society. You get all of those other than weapon rights in most other societies and in spades compared to the US. Sure, if you've money out the ears, you can simply buy a pretend imitation of the cohesion of other nations by buying someones time to do something for you for a fee. But without that extensive amount of constant cash, there is 0. Most people don't even have the basic tribal support system that is ubiquitous throughout the world, not even from ones families, most of the world would consider how families treat each other here as how you would treat mere acquaintances, not even friends.

You've no freedom of speech either, you can think you have it, but you don't. In most places you 'might' not be able to state to much bad about the local strong men, but that is a given. If you talk shit, you are challenging them, thus they need to put YOU in your place. Don't talk if you cannot back it up. Here you are 'allowed' to say what you've been given permission to think and say, step outside the lines and you are utterly crushed. While most places you can say pretty much any damned thing that pops into your head and that leads to interactions that are UTTERLY NON EXISTENT in the US. Go say nigger, or fuck the jews, or other assorted 'bad' shit. In other countries you might get beat up because you are stupid, but you are not going to have your life ruined. Here you absolutely will. HR is pretty much 1st amendment infringing by its nature off full stop. Who the fuck thinks some company should have any control over a person? The US. Corporations are the economic arm of the government and derive all power and wealth directly FROM the government. Thus are part of the government. Even banana republics understand this shit. Americans don't even begin to see it.

Owning guns is about the ONLY thing the US has on other nations.

I spent about nine months in rural Ireland, which was basically heaven on Earth. This was in the late 90s. I hear it has changed almost entirely.

As another Gen Xer I agree 100% America has fallen. Its over. What is coming next? I don't know but its going to be a nightmare.

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Pre-MBS KSA was without any qualification the best place I have ever lived. Thoroughly NatSoc.

didn't read

I don't want to guess the acronyms, please write it out

bump. also talk about corruption as how it relates to freedom. in western countries police is very pozzed. and they will enforce all retarded regulations. while in more corrupt societies. you can just pay bribes and they leave you alone

No, I understand. You'd rather have rigid, incorruptible rules even if the rule itself isn't morally sound because at least it's SOME sort of foundation and the goalposts don't change. You know what you can talk about and can't, you can't misinterpreted freedom of speech and politics won't move the goalposts in five years so people can't say "WELL ACTUALLY..." Our constitution is shit, it's just as much of a window dressing as the royal family over in Britain, the federal law, bill of rights and constitution has literally been violated since Andrew Jackson's unconstitutional use of the army without the approval of congress during the trail of tears (regardless of what you think of the natives, it was unconditional and lead to the behavior we see today in both sides) and even further back if you count the Whiskey Rebellion as an act of hypocrisy at the least... But what im trying to say is the only rights thay exist are the ones that are backed by lead and ever since the Patriot Act I think was the tipping point where it was clear our government didn't care anymore.

All the countries you mentioned are ethnically homogenous so there remains a sense of patriotic duty to their people despite whatever ideology their leaders have. America is no longer a nation, just various tribal factions fighting over resources and power. The republic and the constitution are the only things slowing the inevitable balkanisation.

Start with Dr Seuss books then you can learn adult words with more practice

Fuck off. Gen X is the last generation who is not cutting of their cocks, with the ability to learn and IQs not of of a retarded 7 year old.

The ones that aren't wiggers

idk sounds gay to me lol


are you implying its already not a nightmare? Our future involves either death, continuing enslavement due to your own cowardice or the elimination of your enemies thru cruel unrestrained violence on an epic scale.

The fuck are you talking about 'going to be'. Or have you already given up like cattle in a pen? Only you can answer that, and not with words. Be the rock in your life, fear only the man in the mirror. All others can only end this nightmare at best.

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MBS - Mohammed bin Salman. KSA - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What's up with this new Gen X Boomer meme you fucking Jews are pushing?

Don't lump me in with the fucking circumcised cock sucking Boomer scum. Oh I get it.

I see, thank you.

> please remake your argument to fit a flame dichotomy so it becomes pointless and futile
the post
Also fuck off you jewish mutt

how are my choices limited exactly? In comparison to people from other countries? I cannot say Nigger ? :((( we lost burgerbros..

false* dichotomy

Liz Cheney is a fucking traitor.

Pre-Mohammad bin Salman Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Very good point, Hungary-bro. And while the cops in the USA have always been fucking dogshit, but at least when I was a kid, they weren't rolling around like a literal fucking army.

Well said, user. 9/11 (and all the stuff surrounding it) was definitely the beginning of the end. It took me a month and a half to get a flight home, and I'll never forget seeing my first M-16-wielding National Guardsmen in an airport, all the flags on every square inch of creation, everyone everywhere SUPER FUCKING READY for REVENGE. Oof.

Its oging to get so much worse than what people understand. I left my Job, moved across the country to buy land and start a new life over halfway through my life because I know this is not sustainable. This is going to collapse into a true hellscape. Now Im on a good amount of land starting a farm as a old man.

I've been around. I agree completely. Not only is it dead, but a large portion of the population is so insane, or demoralized that they are actively celebrating the rotten corpse.

Trips of Truth right here.

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>Not only is it the most openly oppressive totalitarian regime I've ever lived in, it is the most aggressively disgusting, elitist, disconnected, insane, divisive, disenfranchising regime I've ever lived in.
I've been saying this for decades and the typical response was to call me a commie. The retarded american people are getting exactly what they asked for.

There's a very good chance you can't legally collect rainwater, user.

>America is no longer a nation, just various tribal factions fighting over resources and power.
It's an empire and has been for over a century. Empires typically rule over diverse peoples and exploit them for labor. That's pretty much America today

Ur lord miles arent you?

I can't disagree. I thought, my God, everybody always talking about the resistance and the fall of America. I'll be 45yo June 14th, I don't recognize this country. It collapsed sometime during Obama last term.

You're not wrong, user. But it wasn't this bad in the 90s. It was fake and gay, but it wasn't... malicious.

It was ... you just didn't realise it.

such words have been said since the founding of the republic. please read a history book before you continue embarrassing yourself online. take care and god bless.