Parasite Pill

Take the Parasite Pill

Attached: parasitepill.jpg (1280x960, 298.35K)

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Did this person ever post results?

>what if I just drank the whole chem lab?

Lmao maybe something will work >_< as kids we just took albendazole once a year and that was that. That shit causes birth defects though.

The link in your picture does not seem to be working.

Attached: Parasite-1.jpg (1279x955, 77.81K)

So do I just throw all this into a blender and then beer bong it into my asshole or what?

Boraxo is the best hand soap in existence. I love that stuff.

If they could, the parasites would wear their tiny jew hat.

Attached: ZEOLITH.jpg (2048x2301, 692.35K)

direct injection port to gi tract is preferred, but oral consumption works just as well

you wouldn't happen to be the based german user who posts about Jesus not being a kike, all those links, like Edom vs Israelites?

All bots?

Thank you for that img, i havent tried enemas yet im going to try it, cant wait to see what I can find. I've seen live pin worms in my stool but nothing like those images

No, i am not really fond of christianity. It has some elements which i do not like.

Attached: 1649083220760 (1).png (1684x1364, 1.5M)

Yes. These things hide in the smaller gut. Not too easy to get them. Also take in good minerals, healthy biological fruits. When removing bad things from the body, you also need to take in good things. Otherwise extraction of the toxins might be horror.

I don't know about the rest. I just like boraxo. Wormpill threads usually get deleted after a few minutes anyway.

That is the proof that we are onto something here. Mods dont delete useless things.

I always thought the worm pill was Any Forums's greatest achievement. Not sure exactly where it originated from, but it's not like anti parasite protocols are anything new. It's the connection to maybe an evil hive mind. Parasites=Demons is fascinating

Mods also 404 threads that talk about the political implications of rh negative blood types. Just a few of the mysteriesthat get suppressed...

unless you're eating off your own lands and minimized plastic contact this is nothing compared to what normal fags have on a day to day basis

Yes. They want normie discussions like "X isnt white" or " Ukraine Happening".
In short they want to keep this as close to an unproductive banter as possible.
It encompasses many things. It contains healthy diet and healthy behaviour.
If you want to get rid of the parasites you have to work on every front. No fagging around.
No sugar, no low quality food. No flouride.
It requires translating the knowlege into reality.

No, human. I am a fellow flesh creature like yourself and have no association whatsoever with the silicon lifeforms of Alpha Ceti.

Agreed. I used to work in a lab and have seen live parasites swimming around in some woman's urine. They are real, it's weird how westerners think they are immune to them, especially since so many people let their dogs lick them and whatnot.

don't forget the chlorophyll, it has copper in it and can really do a number on the baddies