Does gold have any value besides being shiny?

does gold have any value besides being shiny?
when worse comes to worst, will it still hold a value like oil or iron?

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You have bigger things to worry about

>when worse comes to worst, will it still hold a value like oil or iron?
meanwhile in Venezuela

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It has a number of niche industrial & medical uses. So does silver for that matter.

Depends on how much food the adeptus mechanicus is willing to pay your for it.

>niche uses
>literal gold standard for trade since the dawn of mankind

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Right, but what actual application does it have? At one point your ancestor was getting paid a fraction of a gold coin to suck her client’s dick until he blasted your granny’s face with cum but that doesn’t give gold inherent value.

Highly conductive.

apparently it has the inherent value of getting people to suck your dick to get it

a good electrical conductor

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Being shiny is an inherent value.

But yes. Golds properties make it useful for a large number of applications. If gold suddenly became as plentiful as copper it wouldn't suddenly become completely worthless, as you'd see it in loads of industries where it's objectively better but just not used because it's too expensive.

>what actual application does it have?

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It's used to back fiat currency like the dollar, as the value of gold rarely fluctuates?
Ever wondered why the dollar became the International currency in the 40s?
Because atm US federal reserve held the most gold in the world

I thought currency wasn't backed by the gold standard anymore?

Satan confirms

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It held its value through the fall of every empire to date. Any advice you'd give to the citizens of late stage Rome, would probably apply to our current situation

Money really is the root of all evil

It was when the dollar became international, now it's all speculation but ig if the economy collapse you can still use gold as the last resort

>paying for haircuts
unironically ngmi

Checked and keked