/GPG/ /SG/ /UG/ Geopolitical General #2228 - human rights edition

Ukraine, Jordan, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Mali, Caucasus, Yemen, Ethiopia, Burma, Socotra, and other geopolitical happenings, as well as soup, pipelines and robots. /ug/, /sg/, /cwg/, /ecw/, /kzg/, /osint/, /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /soup general/, (NOT /ipg/(iraqi politics general))

The Associated Press writes that Russia is moving closer to its goal of complete control of the industrial center, mines and coal plants in eastern Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the UAF launched a limited counteroffensive in Davydiv Brid, Kherson.
Turkish defense minister, Halusi Akar, stated that "Turkey’s armed forces are ready for another cross-border operation in northern Syria". Whilst the syrian foreign minister said "Damssucs strongly opposes Turkish military moves"
Leftist Candidate Gustavo Preto comes out on top with 40% of the vote, but he will have to face off with Rodolfo Hernandez in the second round of elections on June 19th.
tensions are high between Rwanda and the DRC, as the latter accuses the former of funding and supporting m23 rebels in the eastern part of the country. The AU has volunteered to mediate.
Lebanon’s new parliament has re-elected Nabih Berri for a seventh term as Speaker of Parliament.

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fuck aisha and omar


Kill all jews.

Ibn Saba’ is held responsible for the introduction of many phenomena which later developed into hallmark aspects of Shi’ism. The Shia (or at least those of them who accept his existence, like Sheikh Muhammad Hussain al Zayn al ‘Amili) admit that he exhibited extremist tendencies. In the Tarikh of Ibn ‘Asakir he is on record as having

vilified Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, vol. 29 p. 8,9)
believed the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam to have imparted to ‘Ali special knowledge which was not known to anyone but him. (Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, vol. 29 p. 9)
believed ‘Ali to have been the Dabbat al Ard, the creator and the giver of sustenance (Ibn ‘Asakir: Tarikh Madinat Dimashq, vol. 29 p. 9)

The first two of these beliefs are common features of Ithna ‘Ashari Shi’ism, while the third one with its extremist overtones is more reminiscent of the Ghulat


Humans rights are such a theoretical bullshit

its a lie we should genocide the unfit

*cags sulla shitalia*

>Due to this fatwa, issued in 1987, transgender women in Iran have been able to live as women until they can afford surgery, have surgical reassignment, have their birth certificates and all official documents issued to them in their new gender, and marry men.[12]

fake shlomo

The fit too

Stop the german genocide
German lives matter

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Hisham ibn Salim reports that Abu ‘Abdullah (Imam Jafar al Sadiq) told his companions the story of Ibn Saba’, and his claims of divinity for Amir al Mu’minin. He said: “When he made those claims, Amir al Mu’minin asked him to repent. He refused to repent, so Amir al Mu’minin burnt him with fire.” (Ikhtiyar Ma’rifat al Rijal, vol. 1 p. 323)
Extremist tendencies like these were originally introduced by Ibn Saba’. Before him no one, not even the little group of Sahabah like Abu Dhar radiya Llahu ‘anhu and Salman al Farisi radiya Llahu ‘anhu, whom the Shia look upon as the early Shia, ever made such claims, neither did any one of them ever speak ill of Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu and ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu. This too, was invented by Ibn Saba’.

To whom?

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holy based who are you??

I want a thicc busty blonde naked and with a cowboy hat to suck my dick


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>"Turkey’s armed forces are ready for another cross-border operation in northern Syria"

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Extremism did not die with the death of Ibn Saba’. It persisted, and the centre of its activities, as Jafri tells us in The Origins and Early Development of Shia Islam (p. 300), was the city of Kufah. Here we stand before an interesting observation that was brought to light by Jafri. He writes:
There is another important point that must be discussed here briefly. A considerable number of traditions are to be found, especially in the earliest Shi‘i collection of hadith, Al Kafi, which describe the Imams as supernatural human beings. What was the origin of these traditions, and to what extent are the Imams themselves responsible for them? These traditions are reported, as indeed are all Shi‘i traditions, on the authority of one of the Imams, in this case from Al Baqir and Ja‘far. But were these Imams really the authors of such traditions, which describe their supernatural character? The first thing which must be noted in this connection is that while Al Baqir and Ja‘far themselves lived in Medina, most of their followers lived in Kufa. This fact brings us to a crucial problem. Kufa had long been a centre of ghulat speculations and activities. Whether ‘Abdullah bin Saba, to whom the history of the ghulat is traced, was a real personality or not, the name as-Saba’iyya is often used to describe the ghulat in Kufa who believed in the supernatural character of ‘Ali. According to the heresiographers, Ibn Saba was the first to preach the doctrine of waqf (refusal to recognise the death of ‘Ali) and the first to condemn the first two caliphs in addition to ‘Uthman. (Jafri, The Origins and Early Development of Shi‘a Islam, p. 300, Ansariyan Publications, Qum)

Fuck yo nigga he dead

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Ayesha whore of Jordan

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>عن حذيفة قال كان النبي ص لا ينام حتى يقبل عرض وجنة فاطمة ع أوبين ثدييها

وعن جعفر بن محمد ع قال كان رسول الله ص لا ينام حتى يضع وجهه الكريم بين ثديي فاطمة ع

بحارالأنوار ج: 43 ص: 78

فهل هذا هوالخلق العظيم عند الإمامية!!؟

لا أحد يقبل بهذا لبناته , ويقبلونه لسيد الخلق عليه الصلاة والسلام

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يضع لسانه في فم فاطمة رضي الله عنها وبين ثدييها؟!.

shia say that the prophet used to kiss fatmas breast

Second caliph of Sunnis said "Pee while standing because it will hardens your ass"
Since he was fag he couldn't handle his ass.

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This same Kufah, which was the hotbed of Shia activities and ghulat tendencies, was also the home of the most prolific narrators of the hadith which the Shia ascribe to the Imams, and which are documented in their hadith compendiums such as al Kafi, Man La Yahduruhu al Faqih, Tahdhib al Ahkam, and al Istibsar. Since it is upon this corpus of narrated material that the entire edifice of Shi’ism rests, it would be of interest to see what kind of people these men were, on whose authority it is narrated from the Imams.

Some of the most prolific narrators of the Shia are:

Zurarah ibn A’yan
Muhammad ibn Muslim al Ta’ifi
Abu Basir Layth ibn al Bakhtari al Muradi
Al Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar al Ju’fi

All four of these men were from Kufah

And the rafidha cite these men as their sacral authority lmao what funny kuffars you are


خرجت من منزلي يوما بعد وفاة رسول الله (ص) بعشرة أيام، فلقيني علي بن أبي طالب (ع) ابن عم الرسول محمد (ص) فقال لي:

يا سلمان! .. جفوتنا بعد رسول الله (ص)، فقلت: حبيبي أبا الحسن! .. مثلكم لا يُجفي غير أن حزني على رسول الله (ص) طال، فهوالذي منعني من زيارتكم، فقال (ع):

يا سلمان! .. إئت منزل فاطمة بنت رسول الله (ص)، فانها إليك مشتاقة تريد أن تتحفك بتحفة قدا تحفت بها من الجنة .. قلت لعلي (ع):

قد أُتحفت فاطمة (ع) بشيء من الجنة بعد وفاة رسول الله (ص)؟ .. قال: نعم بالأمس! .. قال سلمان الفارسي:

فهرولتُ إلى منزل فاطمة (ع) بنت محمد (ص)، فإذا هي جالسة وعليها قطعة عباء إذا خمرت رأسها انجلى ساقها، وإذا غطّت ساقها انكشف رأسها، فلما نظرت إليّ اعتجرت (أي لفّت العمامة على الرأس

) .. ثم قالت:

يا سلمان! .. جفوتني بعد وفاة أبي (ص) قلت: حبيبتي أأجفاكم؟ .. قالت: فمه! .. إجلس واعقل ما أقول لك ....
لمصدر: مهج الدعوات
shia says that the prophet daughter showed her legs and hair for forgienne men

Zurarah has always posed a problem in Shi’ism, because while he is on the one hand regarded as the most prolific narrator from the Imams al Baqir and al Sadiq, the Imams are also recorded as having cursed and excommunicated him. The Shia attempt to reconcile these two contradictory attitudes through the dubious and completely unconvincing explanation of Taqiyyah by the Imams.

>it's just taqqiya bro

you used to be a subhuman im glad you're starting to become more based, i remember u saying you were an atheist.