Why doesnt communism work?

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You have bigger things to worry about

Because somebody always wants to be more equal.

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But it does. At least better than the garbage westerners decided to put together

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anime site

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because at some point you run out of the other guy's money

Because of the CIA

Fuck off bot
BTW that isn't anime i think it's western animation technically
I forgot what it's called but I know the Americans are behind it

doesn't mean you need to spam your animated tranny fantasy and this thread everyday

I kind of suspect we actually live in de facto communism.

The further away people are from each other the less they are willing to sacrifice and share for them.

Those types of ideologies work better the more small scale and local they are.

They fall apart quickly on large scales.

You know the chinese song "red sun in the sky"
Someone should make a remake for CIA "green glow in the sky"

Notify me when there is no more billionaires and business owners and people get paid according to education and/or labour and not what market determines then

Funny idea but chinese to english so I have no idea where to start

It can only work in small homogeneous communities where everyone is known and can be held liable for their actions. Cities provide too much anonymity for this to work, as people will abuse the system and not be able to be held liable for it.

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This is so fucking retarded. Communism abolishes money and relies on either central planning or anarchist bullshit for resource distribution. Just shut your boomer pig mouth.

I don’t even like communism, but tards who know nothing about anything shouldn’t bother talking. You make the people who oppose communism look stupid.

People are not robots

Communism is the natural state of man to an extent. Small tribal communities organized around semi-formal hierarchies held together by real bonds between the people in it. Marx was an idiot for thinking that technological and material complexification would return us to that stage of social life. It’s more likely that we’ll get neo-serfdom.

Socialism relies on central planning, but socialism still has money. Communism doesn't have money, so it can't rely on central planning, let alone the fact that the state would "wither away" according to marx.
Also he didn't come up with this, it was Thatcher who said that I believe

Communism to be honest never actually happened. All that really happened is every capitalist shills wet dream of withholding as much money as possible to people who need it come about. Basically slavery.

Because of "vanguard parties". Some communist had this brilliant idea that you couldn't just go full communism overnight. You needed a massive fucking state apparatus that would brainwash people into liking communism, and then you'd slowly remove the state.

Problem: They never get rid of the state. You just get a massive fucking fascistic government that uses the iconography of the left while creating a new bourgeois class out of whomever is running the government.

You think kikes will be hard working proletarians under communism? Lmao you've got another thing coming pal. Kikes only seek to live in luxury while hurting and torturing others.

they also work better in an ethnostate

...(enter national socialism)

The real problem with this was that when there was just one party every opportunist would flock there and these opportunists would eventually take power (in USSR it was after WWII). These opportunists were not actually communists but were party members for sake of being party members. If you don't believe me, look at what happened to russia after the fall of USSR. Many of the former party members "communists" now became business owners in privatized state enterprises.

I don't know what you're talking about. It does work. What do you intend to do? Starve and subvert and murder a bunch of people you don't like? Use communism on them. It works perfectly.

Why does it work like that? Well why wouldn't it? What makes you think communism is some good thing that wouldn't be used by evil people for evil? It's clearly some evil thing used by evil people for evil so I don't get it? I can only guess.

>it's good to give people basic needs for free
It isn't. It's actually very bad and entirely dysgenic to reward those who can't or won't work with the rewards of others work. The only time it makes sense is if the person doing that work offers his rewards willingly, a donation, charity. Otherwise it's literally just forcing people who take care of themselves to also take care of everyone else. Clearly dysgenic.

Instead of giving a man a fish, you should teach him to. Heaven helps those who help themselves. Man made hell on earth obviously works different. Communism is clearly a terrible thing and I honestly don't understand how anyone could possibly think different.

I suspect communists are lazy and entitled, but also stupid because they think it will work to give them everything they want for free, and not just ruin their society and bring everyone down to the lowest common level.

Please take a bath, communist scum. You stink.

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it's never been properly implemented so we can't know for sure

>to reward those who can't or won't work with the rewards of others work
Look up "who doesn't work doesn't eat" on wikipedia. Section Soviet Union

the aliens that wind up taking over have no clue where the people are coming from, only serve to benefit themselves, and degrade every promise they made.

Well KPRF says the history is going in circles, so we might one day see

it does

checkmate natsoc pig

Right. You give the state that much power, and you attract people who want that much power. If you want communism, don't add a step where you "temporarily" go fascist, because then you won't stop being fascist. Either create a socialist government by creating a liberal democracy with WORKER ownership of all companies, or create a communist society by totally eliminating the government once and for all.

the lower classes had nearly no power for most of human history. It's only been the past 200 years where they've assumed so much legacy, and only the past 70 years without any real monarchy (other than Luxembourg??? I'm American, forgive me). Hard to tell what comes from the global centralization of informtion on the internet.

it depends on what you mean by working. typically it doesnt work because it appeals to extremely angry uneducated people that savagely murder anyone they dont like.
with the USSR it worked fine, any argument that it didnt wokr come from a capitalist perspective that trinkets and luxuries are what make life worth living.
the end goal of communism, anarchy free from any form of heirarchy, is a pipe dream and completely retarded. an economy ruled by the workers absolutely works tho.

always Jews
they burn information
look at the communist flag
why does it represent a workforce under a star?
it's Jewish, so it can never work - at least whilst Jews 'exist'
remove the Jews and we can 'try' it

Essentially yes. It's most effective in that setting and even more so when trade is based on bartering over debt currency. The bartering system we've used in the past existed because each member of those small communities had different sets of skills. Every person in the village/tribe had a role and skill that helped the community survive, nobody was sitting around doing nothing.

Sure that might work out well, but it has to be revolution though, otherwise the current capitalist structures just flee to some other country and take everything with them. There has to be a swift revolution if there was a goal to become communist, otherwise the economy would take a major hit

people ideally need to just fuckingget along so we can make temporary state control work

WE are ready to try it and YOU are making it clear your type will try to abuse the system

get in line and we can all make it through

in order to achieve global communism capitalism had to be completely destroyed everywhere in the world, this never happened because the fabled overnight people revolt never occured. the USSR spent its time trying to spread communism everywhere it could in order to achieve this, at least ostensibly.

The same reason why no political or economic system has worked. People. People are the problem. Always have been, always will be. There will always be motherfuckers waiting in the shadows for their chance to infiltrate, subvert, and pervert whatever structure is in place and working. For many many years it's mostly been jews. Maybe it's always been Jews. But I'm sure long before all the peoples we know of today were even thought of there were others doing the same kind of crap. Maybe every political ideology would actually benefit the people living within it if not for demons subverting it. But how the hell will we ever know if it happens every single time?

>the end goal of communism, anarchy free from any form of heirarchy, is a pipe dream and completely retarded
I wonder if marx believed in this or he only wanted to use it as some sort of motivational goal that would never be reached

it can't work with Jews
just remember that
and I'm with you in their removal
the 'world' is with you

What will they flee with? Bags of cash, and a bunch of copyrighted information?

Depends. In Russia the civil war took so long they literally took some machinery from factories, though admittedly I don't know how common that was

You can do the Christian world a HUGE favor TODAY by shooting a liberal pig in the face.
Try it!

i think he really believed it, at least according to what i know the red russians really wanted that but stalin basically turned it into an empire to spread communism worldwide. which is way smarter and had a shot at actually working

>Hard to tell what comes from the global centralization of informtion on the internet.
Not exactly.. but so much automated consumption either renders people compliant, or violent.

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christianity is the worship of jews
nice larp at being a jew but you're most of what's wrong with the world
the 'liberal' just wants to accept others
whilst you want a Jew-class of people

Nobody is my equal. I have seen things nobody will ever see, and my own language fails.

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