Attacks from doxxing

What defense is there from doxxing? If you're targeted by it and if somehow malicious people get your personal information, especially your address, there's really no way to protect against an unexpected attack, is there? You're pretty much at the mercy of whoever holds your information, aren't you?

Surely there must be some defense against it.

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Boobytrap your front door?

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The only defense is to seek them out and kill them before they cause you to be murdered by cops.

That's a surefire way to get killed by police.
Can't do that if the information is already out in the public sphere and you have no idea who actually grabbed the information to begin with.

Don't give your personal data to anyone. Not even big tech. Only retards get doxxed

Someone always claims they did any swatting that happens.

Wait until they are revealed, then kill them for trying to murder you. If enough of them die, nobody will swat anyone anymore.

Not people who are using it to strike political opponents.

Then just call the police department and warn them that people are threatening to swat you. Problem ended.

Then, when someone off-handedly boasts about swatting you on kiwifarms or whatever, do whatever possible to dox them and kill them.

Change your mailing address/licence address to a PO box. Email white pages and all those niggers who list your info online.

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maybe stick a letter to your front door explaining you're a livestreamer and that antisocial punks like to call swat teams for laughs

any swat team reading that would realise they were duped

>maybe stick a letter to your front door explaining you're a livestreamer and that antisocial punks like to call swat teams for laughs

>any swat team reading that would realise they were duped

sounds like a good thing for a murderer to put on the door to trick the swat team; they'll think they were expected and then they'll blow up the whole house with a robot

Put a link to the stream on the paper, explaining that you are currently streaming and the police are welcome to view the stream and knock if they feel a need to investigate.
They go to these things because they think someone is inside killing people or themselves, and the moment they see them just playing games on Twitch is the moment they realize "oh this was a prank."

You can literally call your local PD and tell them so they'll put you on a list, you fucking retards.

i would just call the police ahead of time and tell them you stream and some autists on the internet have your info desu

you shouldn't have a door that can be breached with less than high explosives anyway; they should knock first

Tim Pool has been swatted 10+ times. And it's not just the police you have to worry about.

this is why I hate cops and they can all die. They take an unsubstantiated phone call and go murder mode without due process. If politicians are wrapped up in pedo rape gangs they do nothing and demand hard evidence.

At the end of the day, was he really that toxic?

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Seven proxies you dimwit

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Tim Poole is a dumb nigger

um, maybe try not being a fascist dipshit and people wont want to dox you? if you aren't a nazi or a pedophile you have nothing to hide