Who's ready for a fun time?

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500
August 10th 12:20 EST
East side entrance

Attached: White_House_DC.jpeg.jpg (3600x2172, 755.12K)

Your car will be mysteriously crashed off the highway before you even get to washington.

pure green neon

wonder who the glowies groomed this time

Why kill biden? He will die in two weeks of old age

Whoa they made that level from Payday 2 into a real building??

Too far away not going

Hope it has the mayan chamber under it for authenticity.

I'll screenshot for posterity to prove nothing ever happens.

Wait but Consensus is tomorrow.
Don't you dare interrupt my link staking announcement.

This is the false flag trigger for WW3.

nice try agent

This has to be the brightest glowing post I have ever seen.

Attached: 1579134310412.jpg (600x529, 89.68K)

>staking announced

glowie goi, go back to your comfee chair and make more propaganda memes

no one but admins are even at the White House, dipshit. they’re all working from sound stages across the street at the exec building

>2 more months

Attached: 7E98D69D-5771-4C08-A857-BFBE1F2CD59E.jpg (828x895, 176.88K)

It's not about who's there. It's about the message. Think about how many people were shitting themselves during jan 6th, where nothing happened

>Joey B isn't in charge of shit
>Joey B is such a disaster it's hysterical
>The Rest of the world now laughs at America
Why the fuck would I ever want anything to happen to him? Just let him keep failing so I can keep laughing

I'm gonna be so fkin rich.

Sounds like another gun control scheme to me.

Whoops, -. The classic price action haha.
Id be happy with 4.6%


nobody gives a shit if biden dies.
everyone hates him