Canada Day

So far there hasn't been a leftist crusade to stop Canada Day. Last year they actually shamed people into not celebrating due to the Injuns discovering bodies that we aren't allowed to see or examine to make sure they are actually all children (those northern communities used random spots as mass graves/graveyards. Everyone of every race and age could have been buried there)

Anyways, expect it to begin over the next few weeks. The gears will begin to spin that Canada Day should not be celebrated. There might even be the "Biggest Find Yet". Mark my words. Stay vigilant, leafs.

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why would you want to celebrate the country where people like Trudeau can throw away the Charter at a whim

You should probably blindly trust your government that did that and hand over your guns, civil liberties, and right to a bank account to them. Trudeau wears purple socks, which are silly and fun - so he seems like a great guy. :-)

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I don't exactly feel like celebrating.

Because I can love my country and hate my government. The pendulum is in full swing up back to the right, with Doug Ford winning a landslide (yes I get he's a liberal-lite, but he signals a full stop to far left wing madness at least) and PP just signed up more members for the CPC than any other candidate in history. Trudeau is stumbling from one disaster to another with record low approval and Singh has essentially ruined the NDP forever. Lots of things for Leafs to be cautiously hopeful about.

watching leftists cope with that majority victory was great. He won even larger than last time and they were blaming it on low voter turnout. I guarantee you most who stayed home were conservatives just fed up with politics. You are right though, they all know the pendulum is swinging with Ford's win. They are all predicting he will now become literally Hitler during his second term.

>Lots of things for Leafs to be cautiously hopeful about.
Tell that to the people who own handguns, AR's or any of the other guns that have been banned under Trudeau.

fuck this constant swinging. I don't care who wins the election, if they can stop me from going on a plane or train to another province because I'm unvaccinated there is a problem elections won't solve.

I own both, the OIC banning "assault weapons" was deferred and the Crown has been getting dunked on in the appeals case, so yes I'm optimistic that the OIC will eventually be overturned. As for the handguns, he isn't taking mine, handguns sales have exploded, and it will take months if not years for him to actually pass and implement the legislation which PP could easily overturn when he comes to power.

Trudeau is a massive faggot, but he lost the popular election twice, lost the Atlantic wall, and he is doing generational damage to the Liberal party where they may become unelectable like their provincial counter parts. Nobody in Canada is happy with the LPC/NDP coalition and it will be a disaster long term for both parties.

I can't really say I'm happy and Ford is the smallest of 3 gigantic piles of shit but, turnout was pathetically low. I genuinely hope our next federal election isn't the same but, Canadians are apparently indifferent to becoming slaves to their government.

Part of the new bill is the final "buyback" shit for AR's (read: door-kicking).
I've seen the government propose and pass bills ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY.
They can move fast when they want to and with the NDP, BQ and Greens all being as anti-gun as the LPC or worse means they have the votes necessary.

Yeah I wonder what they're planning this year. Trudeau is getting heckled and protested at all the Native gatherings he goes to. The fake graves have been debunked so many times by so many people. Nobody is buying his bullshit anymore.

It may be in the bill but they still can't find a company willing to run the actual buy back program. And if New Zealand is any indication the government knows nobody is gonna turn any guns in. I'm just hopeful with how the OIC challenge has been winding its way through the courts that it does actually get over turned.

They don't need a company to run the buyback if the intent is to kick in the door of anyone who doesn't turn theirs in. That's the fucking point.

the country formerly known as Canada is done
forge your province into a nation worth being proud of

Anyway to make that so the large version retains the whit background and the writing is centred over 12:00?

Beacause that is just about perfect.

There is a reason why the gov is making friendly with the natives all of a sudden. I mean like never before they're sucking chug cock.
They also made sure that the natives got all the vax shots first...even before you're dear granny.
Trying to figure that one out...but I"m guessing it's to keep them 'happy' until the time is right...not sure though.
It's a head scratcher.
Oh, also, Canada is done.

I celebrate Dominion Day

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Natives are some of the most vocal opponents of mandatory vaccines and are some of loudest people protesting Trudeau.

Also reminder that Canadian threads are always full of and spammed with demoralization bots and glowniggers because the populist uprising in Canada is strong :)

Is the ex cop schizo who wants to put out cabal E.T.s in jail still running candidates for next election?


>Doug Ford winning a landslide
I hate doug but he was the least worst of all options, and no newblue and the ontario party had 0 chance and got 0 seats. What I found funny is the NDP lost like 15 seats and the liberals minivan party only gained 1.