MIT computer model predicted society's collapse by 2040

>18 years to go
What will happen on the short term that will lead up to total collapse?

So far:
>Inflation rising without apparent limit
>Energy scarcity and skyrocketing prices which leads to rising food prices
>Rising pollution mostly produced by China.
>Rising threat of nuclear annihilation.

>Nothing ever happens
It's been happening for a while, you just weren't paying attention.

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heal the world, make it a better place
for you and for me just accelerate

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>a fucking computer
LMAO touch grass incel

MIT computer model predicts OP sucks big, dirty danglers and likes to smother himself in gay, stinking, gay scat.

my grandfather was a tinfoiled hat retard who predicted the downfall of america to be 2007

Civilisation is cyclical, the past several decades of pozzed governments have been desperately trying to fight against this reality but there is only so far they push out the threshold for rapid decline.

It's been correct so far in its predictions

History rhymes, it doesn't repeat. All civilizations eventually end.

the module was massively inaccurate, it could not account for the complexity of race, IQ, Woman, Jews, or Internet brain rot.
It would be far more accurate to bring that date forward about 20 years.

yes we're in the collapse already.

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If he had been right, he'd be a visionary. He might've been far off a few decades, but he wasn't wrong.

Why do you think these factors have enough weight to alter the trend of the prediction?

He kinda was right, since that's when the economic collapse really started

Lots about living "in balance" with nature, but nothing about humanity acting as the stewards of nature? It isn't enough for humanity to just step into the background and "let the natural order re-establish itself." We have to be proactive to reverse the damage we already did, and reducing our population by 99% will probably make that harder.

Being white, capable and self-reliant, WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT?

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what does that even mean in a SHTF scenario? Do you have land, seeds, fertilizer, animals and experience? Otherwise it means fuck all.

The larger a population, the more useless it becomes to do anything to "save the planet". More humans means more chaos, nothing a small percentage of the population can fix, regardless of their wealth.

The thing is whenever you make models on the future they never really pan out bc there are to many variables. If any one or multiple variables change then the whole outcome changes. There also variables that your not accounting for. Which obviously will help determine the outcome that is not properly accounted for in the model.

being gangraped by the starving horde

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True, you only have to look at weather predictions for anything further than 2 weeks. It's a highly chaotic system. Still I believe some variables are relatively constant even within a chaotic system.

This is probably the most disheartening. Knowing you have no chance in a SHTF scenario, even if you do have self sufficient land. The roaming crowd of zombies will eventually find your plot of land and eat everything in sight, rape your children and kill you.

Perhaps the best skill would be in wilderness survival, hunting and crafting of tools and weapons with basic materials. Even if the crowd kills all life, you can still try to hunt them down and cook them up.

You live on a tiny overpopulated hyperindustrialized and oversocialized island and you have no access to decent weaponry. You are absolutely fucked.

Disconnection and division between neighbors tribalism detaching from nation, end of the social contract of woman making most men either have no reason to contribute or actively harming society. Jews in powerful positions actively pushing to end nationalism and promote neo liberalism, inflating nihilistic hedonism and infantilism, feminism and materialism. The gravity of this is far greater than any resource scarcity. you have man itself revolting against its own rotting system

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indeed, and there is no purpose in fighting the current
people still are fighting to preserve what we have
just let go and flow down river