Be American

>be American
>Injure shoulder
>It's a rotator cuff injury
>Go to doctor
>Doctor knows what it is
>Does xray which tells them nothing
>Sends you to physical therapy for a month which does nothing
>Finally sends you for an MRI so they can see what they already knew
>Do surgery and fix problem
I swear hospitals just try to milk your insurance for every cent they can, they also refuse to skip any of those steps, so you get to fuck around on pain killers for 4 months while they bleed your savings. US healthcare is a scam and gives people opioid addiction all in the name of greed.

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Good point OP. The doctor should have just done the surgery based on his assumption of what was wrong with your shoulder. No need to do diagnostic shit before cutting someone up.

Orthopod here… rehab is always the best option before cutting you open. The body is amazing and usually can heal better than you think Fact is most of y’all are so unhealthy that we really don’t want the risk of putting your fat asses to sleep. That couples with my first point your get the picture.

shits fucked man, my whole body hurts and i just deal with it instead of going to a doctor.

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No should of just done the MRI you faggot

I have never had physical therapy help shit

Why the x-ray then?

To give you cancer. Stop jerking off so much and you’ll rehabilitate fine.

>Sends you to physical therapy for a month which does nothing
sounds like fatty didnt do his daily exercises at home, physical therapy fixed my hip flexors

I actually did, but it doesn't fix a tear in you rotator cuff retard

Most unhealthy people don’t.

Probably because it requires effort on your part.

Checked retard.
Xrays don't show soft tissue.
Obviously doctor should have done a MRI first thing instead of an xray and sending to physical therapy.
I've had plenty of sports injuries + more and can confirm all doctors are kikes and using your injuries and health issues for insurance gouging, sometimes even personal kickbacks. Sometimes they'll even give you dangerous recommendations just for profit.
>be me
>develop psoriatic arthritis after competition fight
>crippling pain
>couldn't walk for almost an entire year, was on steroids for months
>8 months of tests before diagnosis
>prescribes Humira
>"once you clear up you can stop taking it"
>In 2 weeks I am cured
>get call from Humira creators Abbvie
>"hi there your doctor signed you up for this program if you need any info"
>HIPAA violation?
>irked, tell them to remove me from their systems
>look it up, CA did a class action lawsuit on this program for giving doctors kickbacks
>go back to doctor for check up
>"you're gonna need to be on this for the rest of your life"
>tell him to fuck off that's not what you said
>mention CA lawsuit and the phone call
>look up long term effects of Humira
>would be dependant on it after a few months.
Fuuuuuck doctors. This faggot was going to make me ACTUALLY need a shot every 2 weeks for life so he can get a free vacation.

The X-ray is to determine if you have any fractures, even an avulsion fracture would dictate how severe the case is. Fact is most rotator cuff tears are in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle or are labrum based. Mostly tendon bases and require no bone repair. X ray just confirms it is all.

>be american
>hit ice patch on a black diamond going mach 3 while skiing
>wake up on ground, shoulder fucked
>go to hospital
>get CT scan
>find shoulder surgeon
>get surgery 3 days later
>have insurance because not a bum

4 years later it's like it never happened, despite being an extremely bad shear. Pic rel

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whats your insurance

>US healthcare is a scam and gives people opioid addiction all in the name of greed.
it's called freedom, you bloody commie

It's since been changed, but at the time I think it was United Healthcare Premium or something? All I know is that I paid like $1,500 out of pocket for the entire hospital stay and surgery. The total bill was probably like $30k or something

that's pretty fucked but i guess relatively not that bad, what was your monthly
and what do you have now, fucking upmc is AIDS

....but it cleared your psoriatic arthritis, right?

Makes sense to check for anything else, but if he actually sent to PT before MRI, that's fucked.
Also you're a dumb faggot. Medfags are retarded no matter how much terminology they know.
I'm a freaking diesel mechanic who took latin. Medical terminology is only in that way to make doctors seem smart for the patients.
>looks like you've developed a case of genu valgum, commonly known as bow-legged
Literal translation - Bowed knees.
The little lip that holds your shoulder in place. Literal translation "lip".
Oh here's a new one. It's the muscle connecting your back to the front of your shoulder, isn't it?
Medfags are self sucking faggots.

Yes, but the point is that he wanted me to take it every 2 weeks for the rest of my life, which would have made me dependant on it. Also the stuff makes you feel like shit for a week after taking it. Hard pass on the 50% quality of life drop.

My employer picks the health insurance, they change it every couple of years, right now its All Savers. I think the monthly cost is like $600, but my employer covers ~90% of it and I pay the rest. So the cost to me is like $100 from $7300 (pretax) every month

all savers sounds like a fucking cheap life sucker candy ripoff

If anything, it protects the doctor
>99% sure it's rotator cuff
>treat it
>doctor, the pain is worse
>doctor examines, does x ray now
>oh, you also have a fracture
>get sued for malpractice for not confirming if other injuries existed

Yea I think it's budget-tier, but I'm hardly ever sick so it means more money in my pocket every month so who am I to argue