Zero covid

What is the bug motivation for doing this? Are they trying to fuck up western supply chains? Is there some internal CCP infighting going on that we don't know about? Or are the bugs actually this retarded and destroying their country over the coof? I don't like when when I can't figure out motivations.

In an unrelated note, are we sure these things have souls (picrel)

Attached: Xi.png (665x356, 241.61K)

the chinks have less covid restrictions than we had

Are your country welding people their dwellings annon?

Post pics

Didn't the say in that leaked CCP audio where they were discussing the invasion of Taiwan that the lockdowns were rehersals for war time martial law?

Motivation is that, the Chinese vaccine has a 13% effectiveness on og COVID. And none for any other strain.

The viral load from multiple strains was so bad young people were starting to die.

Based if true. About time that the one thing west still controls (chip manufacturing) falls to state enterprise empire of people's republic of china

Don't know.
Not allowed to leave my country to go see

Could be a few reasons:

>a) the virus is fairly weak as we have seen in the rest of the world, however a large portion of Chinese citizens are unhealthy due to the pollution over there. Coupled with the aging/shrinking population, they see the thought of even less than 1% of their population dying as a catastrophic outcome

>b) the virus is actually a lot more dangerous than we realise. The Chinese know this, as the created the virus, and they are intentionally letting it devastate other countries so that China can emerge from the pandemic as powerful as possible.

>c) the virus hysteria was blown up intentionally in order to force a separation of the East and West in preparation for war. Invasion of Taiwan is imminent, perhaps delayed due to the war in Ukraine not going as well as planned.

I'm honestly not sure, I'm leaning towards c.

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Could be... why would they need or want to shut their country down during war though? Doesn't really make sense,.

Why exhaust food reserves most populous places in your country to prepare for war?

If they came out and said "we were wrong about zero covid and can see now that it's an unrealistic strategy," they'd be showing weakness. They have to stick to it or their system which relies on "the government knows best so shut up and don't crticize it" would fall apart otherwise

The next world war will be fought with biological weapons. They need people to be drilled into how to handle this, as in, if the CVP says stay home you stay home.
In fact it's plausible that covid was the opening salvo in the war and we just don't have open acknowledgement of it yet.

It's a lot harder for spies and saboteurs to move around unnoticed if the general populace isn't moving around as well

Some user here said that China was struggling with food shortages, and the lockdowns gave the government a reason to ration food and prevent riots.

Sounds retarded.
Germs and poison don't discriminate between friends or foe.

Besides Chinese are pretty bad at making cures because of how unreliable information and feedback filters from the bottom up.

They haven't exhausted food supplies. They have been hoarding grain since last year, having had prior knowledge that Russia would invade Ukraine and it would cause shortages.
If you're talking about the shortages in Shanghai, that was a logistics issue rather than a shortage. The govt tried to step in and take care of all food delivery and distribution.
You could also theorise that it's a way to get the indulgent people of Shanghai to learn how to live without luxuries for a time, as this will be the case in the event of a war.
The real point is that this is a very complicated game they are playing. You need to think a bit outside the box to understand what's possible. People in power have the 'do everything and anything to win' mentality.

Ah yes, the wishful thinking
> M- my vaccine is working!
No it isn't. They're locked down from food shortages, because their pigs all fucking died and the lockdowns destroyed the farm harvest cycle and infrastructure.
They didn't have food reserves for a billion bugs.

They sacrificed a few thousand of their own to kneecap the world economy. It's totally worth it from their point of view.
Besides, if they created it, they certainly have the cure already.

Majority of lower level gov has been burning food reserves to hide the fact that they were selling them on the sly from the higher ups.

Exactly. People don't think through some of these theories. They just put out the most nefarious possible explanation and call it a day. Thousands of wars have been fought in human history and at no point did a nation feel the need to lock the entire civilian population in their homes. Kind of a bizarre theory.

>They sacrificed a few thousand of their own to kneecap the world economy
Why would they want to do that? They're dependent on the world economy to import raw materials and export manufactured products. They also own $2 trillion of treasuries. I don't think they're as keen as Russia to blow up the system.

source: trust me bro

A rising power (China) always goes to war with the current power (USA). Read Thucydides.
The dynamic causes the current power to seek to contain the rising power, and this causes tensions which eventually boil into war. The rising power has an interest in unseating the existing power because by doing so, they will be able to reap the rewards of being able to impose their own will on the global order.
US is at its weakest in years, having been hit by the economic impacts of covid and lockdowns, and now the inflationary pressures and general depression of the economy as stimulus is winding down. Meanwhile the suicidal Biden administration is restricting the production of oil, while emptying the strategic reserves. They are also shipping all their arms to Ukraine to fight a pointless war. This is the best chance in 20 years they will have to take Taiwan.
Is that enough reasons for you?

source: radio free asia probably

that makes it worse

Live fire drill in preparation for when the real plague hits

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I get what you say on the Chinese front. But the world is going to move on if china keeps being locked down.

The world will simply manufacturer on its own without china.

Why do you think china isn't openly fighting with Russia for invaluable combat experience?

The sanctions would break them, being that export dependent economy.

Why is that the us secretly allowing India to buy cheap oil?

Bitch might move on.