Aryan Invasion is True

>Aryan refers just to Indians right?
The Aryans who conquered India during the Bronze Age were genetically closest to Northern Europeans and come from an Eastern offshoot of the Nordic Corded Ware culture. This has all been validated by modern genetic science. Its likely that Indo-Europeans called themselves Aryans as they all spread from the same Corded Ware culture. Your belief that Aryan is a name "stolen" from Indians is 1960s reactionary historical revisionism meant to distance society from WW2 when the Germans started identifying as their Aryan ancestors


Aryans did not come from India nor from Iran
Pretty much all Indo-European peoples and cultures stem from the Corded Ware culture, which in its early stages possessed R1a-M458, R1a-z93, R1b-L51 and I1, which are the main male haplogroups in Western, Scandinavian and Eastern Europe

The 'Iranian' DNA in Aryans is actually Caucasus Hunter Gatherer DNA from populations deep into the steppe and forest that had been there for 1000s of years. There is no DNA overlap with Iran_Neolithic proper and the segment belonging to CHGs is only female haplogroup

Aryans had low to zero Basal Rich DNA admixture present at high levels in Middle Easts and Indians

Attached: 1654526477307m.jpg (768x1024, 130.3K)

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you made this same thread earlier and I BTFO your faggot thread

Aryans are Indo-Iranians and have nothing to do with white people

you're trying to force whites to allow brown turds into their countries

Attached: 1649527223899.jpg (552x1024, 99.15K)

I wonder if that sketch was based off that pic because it’s eerie

>Basal Rich DNA

Lesser clade. Damn mystery meat.

Attached: nigger_rick.jpg (617x552, 87.15K)

Aryans didnt conquer India, they already had India.

This. Saying Aryans conquered Indians makes no sense. There were no "Indians" when Aryans arrived. It was a completely different civilisation (Indus Valley) with people being a mixture of native Indian Austro-Asiatic (AASI) and Iranian Neolithic (Iran_N). The whole idea of India comes after Indo-Aryan migration. Every Indian, even the most remote tribal living on the tip of Southern India (Irula people) have 10% Steppe herder ancestry. On average, Indians are 25-30% Steppe, with Steppe ancestry peaking in certain groups at 40-45%. Without Steppe, there is no Indians. The "Indian race" is defined as a three-way mixture of Steppe_MLBA, Iran_N and AASI.

Why are ex roman colonies so damn dumb?

Indians are aryans euroniggers are fake aryans.
Case closed|

> the great WE WUZZING continues

keep worshipping your dead jew on a stick and spend 100% of your energy on coping with what you truly are : a jewish rape baby

STJ videos cover all this stuff for those not into reading.

Everything you ever needed to know about Yamnaya (Proto-Indo-Europeans)

How European DNA got to India (Aryan invasion)

How Aryans got to China
addendum to the above video

Attached: aryan chariot.png (1000x710, 1.39M)

>Aryans are Indo-Iranians and have nothing to do with white people
Indo Iranians aren't very aryanic.

Attached: iran my ancestor (2).jpg (787x2078, 383.11K)

Greeks, Britons and Arabs all got btfo by Romans.

Indians got btfo by Greeks then Arabs then Britons. curious.

>and I BTFO your faggot thread
>Aryans are Indo-Iranians and have nothing to do with white people
You didn't "BTFO" anything you low knuckleheaded cunt. You just ignored the up to date academic consensuses I sourced in the OP and spewed mindless conjecture. Proto-Indo-Iranians descend from Nordic Aryans from Northern Europe. Get over it princess.


>On average, Indians are 30% Steppe

No they aren't thats only the Brahmins Kshatriyas and groups like the Kalash, aka the Whitest looking Indians. The Pic I used in the OP is a Kalash man.

Nice ad hominem kiddo. The overwhelmingly delusional indian reaction to aryan invasion proves that the retards in academia tend to come from your continent of origin, not mine.

There were even Proto-Indo-Iranians who clustered with higher EEF admixed Bell Beakers, thats how much DNA they shared with Europe.

Attached: CentralAsianBuddhistMonks.jpg (470x591, 171.85K)

Dravidians are Indus Valley people. No wonder they are smart.

Is that disputed by anyone?

I think definitely Iran had higher Iran Neolithic admixture early on, and I don't think the Ancient Aryans were hostile to them and intermixed, however they clearly saw some people in South Asia as so vile that they created a caste system where even touching the same water as them was an act of Evil. There is in fact a disturbing shift in phenotype on kings depicted on old Iranian coins from the Parthian where a more middle eastern grug type replaces a more Europoid esque type. I don't know if that matches some genetic shift in the elite or not though.

Yeah, anyone interested in this already know this

I hope he makes more videos on european and ancient history

Early aryans never tried to genocide former populations which was their mistake. Celts and Yamnaya did the exact opposite in comparison.

>We have always been at war with Eastasia

Yes you idiots it was contested and the public post 1960s was brainwashed to think it was bullshit. Its only very recently that genetic science has kicked the door down and made it undeniable. I hate people like you who pretend there was no massive censorship over a topic for political reasons so to abscond the people doing the censorship of guilt. Are you by any chance Dark Triad?

There isn't. As I said anyone interested in this already knows this.

I agree with this and like STJ but the way he opens his aryan invasion video with a wide angle closeup of his fucking face always annoyed me,like is this about you or the data? It's way too on the nose visually in more than that way to
He also just doesn't communicate or look like a scholar, he still acts more like the film intern than the medieval historian, despite doing both roles early in his life
Maybe its because I share such similar interests to him and have followed his channel since 2014 that I kind of resent him