I want off this ride

I want off this ride

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I used to feel sorry for leafs but now I realize that they deserve everything that happens to them.

It never ends

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Me too bro.

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We're just about at the best part of the entire ride. Getting off now would be a waste.

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Look up
>bible quotes for courage KJV
Tons of great stuff in there user, pray on it.

This. Fuck these faggots they dont even know how to enjoy a show.

I don't

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I do too

why what happun

even though Bill Hicks said
>"it's just a ride"

What the fuck is going on? Did the timeline shifted again last week?

You just have to sit back, stop giving a fuck and laugh at the absolute state of clown world.

I just want to fedpost.
I want to fedpost so much.
But I cannot fedpost. Why? The feds will come for me if I fedpost.


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I'm tired of everything being utterly worthless

Literally just go outside, it's that simple. Stop being a bitch and man up.


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I know. I know... by God, we shouldn't even be here... but we are.
Do you remember the great histories, user? The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end! For how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was, after so much degeneracy had happened? But in the end... its only a passing thing, the demons, even darkness must pass! A new day will come! And when Christ shines he'll shine out the clearer! Those were our ancestors... and they meant something. Even if we were too small to understand why.
But I think user, that I do understand. I know now.
Folk back then, had every chance to succumb to hedonism or give in to death, only they didn't. They kept going!
Because God still loves this world user.
And its worth FIGHTING for!!!

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Just stop spending time on Any Forums
75% of all posts here are false, you're subjecting yourself to psyops and cucking yourself out of a good life by reading shit here and thinking any of it matters

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