The Housing bubble is going to pop

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Mass boomer suicide.

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Agreed....there are signs in market even here. Shit will hit the fan.

What's driving it?

Kind of sucks for me desu just bought a place. Good for society I guess.

The only time the News will say the Housing bubble has pop is When a big Big Housing Company goes Bankrupt.

Which signs? Theres no housing market bubble here anywhere else but in Helsinki. Coronavirus ironically stabilized our housing market because a lot of people moved back to rural regions. Before COVID Helsinki was getting more expensive while housing prices in other areas were so low that mortgage interest rates were negative.

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The bubble will pop and blackrock will buy as much real-estate as the can so they can rent them out to all the poor fucks

boomer sold off at least a year ago. they've been schooled with this trend for decades. my town has house prices started at 700,000 and there's not a person left under the age of 60. they all fucked off to somewhere else and had the opportunity to pay off their double mortgage and reverse mortgage with house prices with enough money to buy that new winnebego

>freefall magically stops before going negative
lmao, these people are in fairytale land.

america is fucked. people left cities and empty properties increased by like 30% and prices kept increasing to capture people who were going to return when the world came back.

a lot of people who own large property sections can sit on them, unoccupied because they have 2008 tier loan agreements from the last fuckup.

Good. Nobody can afford one.

Rural flight was the main issue in finnish housing market too. Lot of boomers crying that the house they inherited from their mothers or grandmothers is now worthless piece of junk because everyone is moving to big cities.

LMAO at giving mils and gen z false hope
i WONT be psyopped into believing that property prices will be affordable

Holy shit lol great falls is overvalued?
Only niggers and spics even buy houses there, it's like at Iowa prices already. That's brutal! You got a link?

There is no housing bubble.
The demand is genuine and simply outpacing the supply.

sorry, i said that backwards. i meant there's not a person OVER the age of 60. all of the old people left. they bought their house for 100,000 dollars and sold it for 800,000 dollars. dunno wtf is going on in your whacky country. it sounds like you guys are doing it right, fuck the faggot boomers. they deserve to be living in tents, not 30 year olds.

well, core logic is fucking stupid as fuck, and let me tell you why: this is all based on opportunity cost and isn't based on anything else. Oh, silicon valley is somehow undervalued because of proximity to jobs, but places that are nice to retire to or actually live in if you don't care about making tech monopoly money are 'overvalued'

Its the same issue Mongolia and Japan has. Young people move out of rural regions to cities. Young women especially yearn for that cosmopolitan experience so rural regions and counties have very few young women, while cities have very few men, young or old.

Worst part is how kikes will literally offload EVERYTHING for depreciation recapture and fucking then some then fucking cash out the partnership right before the shit goes belly up while housemaxxing retards are left holding the bag a la 2008 exponentiated by a few factors.

fucking good.
I'm looking to buy in the next year or two.

Tip....just for you