Have Doctors (GP's specfically) become lazy cunts?

Back in the 1990s/2000s I remember doctors being much better, they would always do a bunch of tests on me every time Id go, and would insist on it. I never felt rushed and it was always personal.

Nowdays if I goto the doctor, they dont do any tests, and its almost like I have to pressure them into doing it, and they just want me to hurry up and get out of their office ASAP, it all feels so rushed.

Am I just seeing shitty doctors lately or have they become lazy as fuck? Specialists ive seen are still good, but its seems like this is specific to General Practitioner doctors. GPs seem so fucking shit now.

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Nah most of the time, they know what they're doing. You are the retard here boyo

You are right unlike this cunt Doctors now listen you basically self diagnose things and STILL wont help. However, I think it is primaliry because they have to jump through insurance hoops, each one at a time, to get to the end result. Essentially, blame Obama.

Yeah med school had gotten easier.
The only doctors worth anything are surgeons.

Even surgeons just want to do surgery, whether warranted or not... that's not practicing medicine that's just doing construction work.

it's assembly line treatment so they make more money. america has 10x the malpractice rate of other first world nations.

It’s because insurance is forcing these behaviors. They’re rationing care.

I went to see a doctor recently for a quite severe skin problem and she prescribed me vitamin C and ended the appointment

True but what I mean is that at least surgery requires a certain level of technical skill and applied technique it’s much harder to fraud than the white coats who just Google and write scripts. If society were to break down or collapse a surgeon would be worth infinitely more than a GP.

The only reason anyone becomes a doctor is for the prestige and the cash. They don't give a shit about helping anyone.

Its almost as if the whole of our society is falling apart as time goes on, welcome to reality boomer.

>it's assembly line treatment so they make more money.

This basically. You're seen no differently than a fast food worker sees a hamburger.

Even worse the pooskins who become doctors hate white people (just like all other pooskins) and they use their position as an opportunity to harm/humilate white patients. If you want actual healthcare you need to seek out a non-shitskin non-jewish doctor and good luck doing that.

Specialist still tend to be white though, its mostly GPs that are the issue.

Yes. This is what happens when the profit motive is removed. If you get paid the same regardless of whether you're good or shit, there's no reason to try to be good.

Noticed it too, they've created an undersupply of medical personnel so that patiens gotta have to be rushed thru the offices so that they can prescribe more meds as a real treatment takes too much time.

I went in for a ADHD-Diagnosis after 4 Months of waiting and left after 20 minutes with a prescription for risperidone so that I could "sleep better". Risperidone is a "soft substance" she said. My tongue is still shaking 2 years later and I still got neither a diagnosis nor treatment. Fucking whore.

I’m in medschool, and the main problem is that we’re heavily understaffed, and standards for GPs are extremely low (they become GPs cause they can’t get into more competitive specialties).

I’m specializing in trauma surgery and we nearly don’t have enough time to give each case the attention and care it deserves. While a lawyer will have weeks to prepare for an important case, we have minutes to take life or death decision and make the necessary interventions, and have to do that dozens of times a day while heavily sleep deprived, surrounded by incompetent and lazy whore nurses.

You are in Australia, fucktard. Every Doctor allowed to work is vaccinated, which means every Doctor you see is literally a moron.

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Risperidone is not adhd meds nigha its for schizophrenia
>t. Schizo

They were always worthless around here and many times even criminal.
When it became too obvious they were jewish, less jewish looking ones were assigned to harass me. LOL

Risperidone isn't for schizophrenia (whatever it is), it's a heavy tranquilizer the jews and idiots shove into people with many diseases they don't care to treat.

t. not an idiot

>whole of our society
Just the negroids (your family) and their admirers doing what they always did.

Yea doctors these days are in it for the money and would throw away the hypocratic oath in a heartbeat if it meanr they could make more money

Most doctors are women these days.

I don't expect extreme laziness from them, but nothing like the dedication you see in male professions.