He was mostly right

He was mostly right

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I wish the US had joined the Central Powers and won the Great War.

What was he wrong about?

In nazi Germany, teaching General Relativity was discouraged because it was considered "jewish science".
Hitler completely ignored the fact that high IQ individuals with non-Aryan phenotype exist all around the world, eg in Indya.
He was a massive faggot.

He was a pacifist at heart.
He refused to implement the only correct answer to the Jewish Question.
He believed in the fundamental goodness of Angloids and mutts.

You will never be white Brazil nigger

Your country is pathetic and run by jews

Your country is a degenerate hell scape with all types of mutts. Even more mutt then here than you beg us white people to let you in on our Christian soil.

He was right about Jews. Too concerned about German purity.

america is literally satan

>American GOVT is Satan
ftfy nigger

Yes, killing himself was right. But better do it earlier

only thing he was wrong about was invading poland. If he had just stopped after the Sudetenland and Austria there'd still be a reich


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nah bro. by adopting democracy and equality and saying "We the People" you take on the responsibility for everything your government does.

you have all of these so-called "freedoms" and you have guns, specifically so you can overthrow your government, yet you simply continue to pay for it and comply, despite your empty threats and posturing

Your tax dollars are literally going to teach my kids, in my """"sovereign"""" country about gay sex and feminism. Therefore you are evil, and must be destroyed.

That murdering innocent people is ok (yes it happened) and how he thought it totally wouldn't come back to haunt him if he won and the general population finds out what he and his government did. Also declaring war on America who which has a massive untouchable industrial base and a fresh army.

if US had stayed out of it would Britain and USSR have still won?


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hitler was a retard double nigger who eventually folded on every principle he espoused in the dawn of his political career. it goes to show that any movement founded by reactionaries of low birth are destined to fail

speaka the english?

Vegetarianism and this