Won't someone think of the children Act


So how are "shall not be infringed" larpers going to cope this time?

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I don't follow the law. I follow my morals and the bill of rights just happens to align with my morals. I don't give a fuck if guns become outright illegal or not. I am still going to carry, and if you try to stop me I will kill you. There is no debate to be had here. Either you die, or I die. Simple.

gonna be fun to watch the scotus shit all over their dreams.

>gonna be fun to watch the scotus shit all over their dreams.
It won't even get past the senate.

>murder of innocents aligns with my morals
Edgy, kiddo.

you wont do shit


Right wingers are weak men who pretend to be strong, while Leftists are strong men who pretend to be weak.

The answer is that Rightists are cowards and have have no power. So instead, they defer their hopes on the Supreme Court.

When that fails, well, right wing retards are weaklings so they will just accept it.

I will still shoot any illegitimate fed attempting to deprive me of my equalizer

This is the most realistic outcome. This is another law that gives the state validation when they want to come for you. If it wasn't this it would be planted CP or drugs. Your average Joe will have a harder time buying a rifle at a store, but anyone who wants one will be able to get one. You can regulate ammo sales, but trucks cross the border without being searched all the time. You don't have to fight against stupid laws. You only have to fight against the people who try to enforce them. But the average person's life won't change at all. It's just slightly more likely you'll get swatted, but there's already that chance.


This but unironically.

>So how are "shall not be infringed" larpers going to cope this time?
by ignoring it like it's you.

They'll find enough republican votes to get it through. As long as McConnell is in charge, republicans will be in slow retreat.

Passes house.
Only Senate and supreme court stand in it's way.
Give it 2 more weeks.

Don't get paid if the you don't show

Parents use guns to protect their children. Besides, this Act they are trying to pass will be destroyed by Supreme Court. Hell the Senate will throw it out of the window.

>Parents use guns to protect their children.
Apparently they don't

The House passes a lot of crazy shit that never gets past the Senate or survives SC scrutiny. Not going to sweat anything these idiots do until they figure out how to get a Constitutional Convention together to consider changing the thing.

What does this bill actually do?
What makes you so sure?
Piles of rinos voted for this.

Seems like this isn't the time to relax.
People should be shitting thier pants I've this and blowing Washington's phones up.

Laugh when the Senate shoots it down

Basically, yeah.

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checked, based bones explorer

scotus has been comped, not as bad as congress but it's still full of good goys