Are right wing chuds really this dumb?

>sequel to one of the most popular ‘80s movies ever does well at the box office
>hurr durr this means America hates wokeness and Drumpf

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Top Sneed

Why are you even asking this question? Of course they are.


I watched it today, it's comfy.

I loved the movie because it didn’t feel like a tedtalk about trannies and black people halfway through. It’s just a movie. You fucking retarded liberals think your “teaching people” but your just talking down to them and everyone is annoyed with you now.

I like how that guardian turns right around and spends the entire fucking article arguing how it IS, in fact, anti-woke and pro-America.

Seriously, there's no connection between the title and the article itself.

so you're saying that simply being pro america is anti woke?

You can read the headline in the sense that they admit it is anti-woke (asleep?) but that's not why they think it's been successful.

i wonder how it would effect the frequency of obvious CTR shill threads like this if someone were to start hunting down and murdering known antifa members?

Equally hilarious, seeing as it doesn't really have a political message. You don't even know who "the enemy," is. Some foreign adversary that has what looks to be SU-57s and F-14s.

This movie is worth a watch? I put it on the boycott list when they bent the knee to china and removed Taiwan and Japan flags from his jacket.

that's every grauniad article

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Explain why other priorities from the 80's that got pozzed are, as a whole, failing?

It's actually there in the film. And yes, it's worth it. Minimal CGI, and great practical effects. Good story, too.

I think the last movie I went to was for my wife's birthday, and it was Crimson Peak. Other than that, I can't remember the last time I went to the theater, but I think this movie is worth the IMAX experience.

How would this be considered a conservative movie? It's got plenty of forced diversity and women in the roles of men.

>sequel to one of the most popular ‘80s movies ever does well at the box office
What happened with the ghostbusters sequel?

Ok thanks im going to torrent it anyways but now a days with Xfinity/Cuckcast its not even worth the hit to my data cap to download shitfest movies just to turn them off after 5 mins.

WhT happened to net neutrality?

articles that start with "no," are basically like trying to correct a toddler from stepping out of line.

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Are the 2020s the spiritual successor to the 1980s

Sauce on pic?

Slide thread. 15k orcs headed to US border.

No, it's the spiritual successor to the 60s, but gayer and blacker, and with white men being relegated to the role of niggers and token appearances. At least in American society.
Hell, self-proclaimed conservatives even root for commie Russia.

More like the 1970s

Hey, you do you. I don't regret going to the theater, but if you're just as happy with a smaller screen, at least you don't have to deal with rowdy teenagers who don't give a shit about anyone else.

That IS net neutrality. Since they can't prioritize some data, and de-prioritize others, they institute data caps for everyone and then charge fees when you go over.

I didn't see it,

But I'ma asume a Tom Cruise movie made money

because it didn't start out the first 10 minutes with innterracial nigger cancer.

Tom knows the movie's money is in the ACTION, not in what colour virtue flag they are waving.

lol this

NPCs only read headlines and take them as unquestionable facts

And then Tom Cruise embarrasses all of them continuously right up to the third act. Even then, nobody outshines him.

"The Message," demands that all old white stars get shown up by their diverse cast of younglings.

Net neutrality never outlawed data caps, just prevented degradation of services so carriers cant throttle your netflix traffic while boosting say hulu bandwith.

Yeah my home theater setup is pretty dope. 82 inch 4k QLED with 7.1 surround sound.
I do miss the big screen but just cant stand sitting in a crowded theater any more with people making constant noise (sniffling, shifting, coughing, snoring, eating loudly, talking etc...) or whipping out their cell phones...
I hear there are some chains of theaters that have ushers that actually kick out shitty movie patrons but not here.

Tom Cruise is kinda nuts but I gotta hand it to him he makes good action movies and the dude is almost 60. The Mission Impossible franchise and Edge of Tomorrow are great. I might go see this. He makes movies that are straight stupid entertainment and not preachy bullshit or pretentious "art" just plenty of stunts, guns, and fistfights. That's all. It's like Hollywood kikes were too busy cramming fags and niggers down our throats they forgot why people go to movies in the first place.

So what? They're still in there, and it's blatantly obvious they were chosen for their race and gender. Just because the main white character doesn't get outright upstaged, doesn't mean that's not political propaganda.
This shit has been going on for so long now that people accept shit that would have been considered woke a few years ago, simply because it's been the norm for over a decade now, and people don't notice because they're comparing it to much worse shit.

>I hear there are some chains of theaters that have ushers that actually kick out shitty movie patrons but not here.
That would be racist.

It's a bait and switch film. It starts out hinting that it will be another "woke" story with 2 or 3 set-up tropes. All of them fall flat and it's just a normal film (pre-woke). Just being a normal film is enough to be a rebuttal against all the woke crap. It doesn't have to be an overt right-wing message to be anti-woke. It could have been made 15 years ago - however if it were made 15 years ago it wouldn't have been as successful because it would have just been an ok sequel instead of the beacon of sanity and normalcy. Unironically wokism has boosted Top Gun: Maverick's success because it's just "normal."

>Just because the main white character doesn't get outright upstaged, doesn't mean that's not political propaganda.
If it doesn't spread "The Message," then it's political propaganda against "The Message."

Sounds comfy. Hope you can pirate something worth your setup.

The prideful assholes would never admit that people are sick of their shit. They'd take that route.

More like the 70s. The 2010s are the 60s

Pretty much. It's a good sequel, don't get me wrong. Pays tribute without getting dragged down by it. Hits all the right notes, etc.

But what makes it outstanding is the fact that you don't have to suspend disbelief very much (shy of one very short, not at all woke part - but I'm not spoiling).

It really helps that you can tell that they were shooting inside a flying F-18, instead of a green screen.

I was dragged to it and expected full globohomo levels Ukraine BS and was pleasantly surprised to find 90's niggers, spics, and whores. Ridiculous concept but still an actual movie that is enjoyable if you just don't think too hard about why they didn't just strike the SAM installations with missiles, or why the SAMs didn't counter the missiles. Using up SAM missiles is SOP.

Shit thread. Kill yourself