Controlled Opposition - Masculinity Edition

Is lack of masculinity in Mainstreams right wing leaders done by design? Out of all in pic related, Matt Walsh looks like the biggest faggot.

Someone once said he looks like what a redditor thinks an alpha male looks like. The beard is such an obvious try hard

Attached: Controlled opposition masculinity.jpg (2880x2880, 606.53K)

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I honestly don't know who any of those people are. Maybe go outside.

Who cares?

All of picrelated is on Fox News and Dailywire.

All celebrities are e-celebs

He's literally a faggot who looks like what a faggot would loom like if he was trying to look like a nonfaggot

I don't care. The documentary he made is useful.

Oh yeah? Grifting asking people what is a woman? You must have a low IQ faggot

Let me guess, you like Greg Gutfeld too?

Literally controlled opposition is worse than the actual opposition
See the video I added above faggot retard

2 kikes and 2 trannies
It can act as a good introductory red pill for mainstream conservatives. I'll continue to promote it.

Jesse is a jew

You mean a placebo? Yeah no we have enough of that

He literally works for Ben Shapiro and counter signals anyone who is actually right wing. Shabbos Walsh

Attached: FUnvs7SWYAA3m-H.jpg (900x900, 105.64K)

Lurk more or ask your fed boss to give you better training

>He literally works for Ben Shapiro and counter signals anyone who is actually right wing. Shabbos Walsh
So what? Like I said the documentary can be a good red pill for those who haven't been paying attention to this issue. In that sense it's useful. Share the bitchute link. Shapiro doesn't get a dime from that.

>muh eceleb counter shilling from tranny discord
Idgaf if they are grifters, look weak, etc etc IF they further my interests. Walsh's doc is valuable for introducing people to the anti-trans line of thought.

Have you ever seen Matt Walsh without a beard? Looks like the biggest basedboy in the world. Giant lips no chin.

You must be new here
>wow he is saying that women are women when they are women. Introductory red pill!
Yeah I'm sure all these boomers that watch this will eventually become hard-core right wingers right? Fuck you and your whole retarded family for giving you such a retarded faggot pea brain you piece of shit

>You must be new here
>>wow he is saying that women are women when they are women. Introductory red pill!
Did you watch the doc? You sound like a butthurt tranny trying to convince us to stop sharing the film. Keep seething my friend.

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Let me know when Matt Walsh names them and calls out the Israel lobby you faggot blue pilled boomer tier brainlet piece of shit goy

We deserve to be grifted as a society if we need a doc asking us what a woman is....who is top right tranny errbody posting pics of that trap lately

Viewing his documentary in a positive light is not an endorsement of Walsh as a person or his worldview. I don't know why you're getting so bent out of shape about this.