Is it true that America is a horrible place to raise a child?

Is it true that America is a horrible place to raise a child?

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The world right now*

nah bro, all the school shootings and gender dysphoria being pushed by teachers build character

Checked. American public school is the real problem. You can homeschool or send your kid to a good private school and its just like anywhere else. Still all that means nothing if you don't monitor internet usage.

Yes, there is some serious societal rot seeping in every little crevice of this country.

Yes, no fathers, we are raised with narcissistic values, danger is everywhere, and white people are frowned upon.

I grew up with severe social anxiety and am moving to Europe soon whether you like it or not. I just want to live a better life.

If you're wealthy so you can choose your state, neighborhood, schools or homeschool, then it's not bad. If you're "middle class" or below it's a god damn hell hole. This is a characteristic of all third world countries.

Raising a kid in rural America seems fine, in Democrat cities idk

Your quality of life in USA is determined by your wealth level

Upper middle class/upper class outright? Yeah, raise a child here

Lower middle class/poor outright? Fuck no lol, but that won't stop low income folks from having kids lol

>t. zoomer raised in top 1-2% household

I had a caring, smart Mother and a hard working, strong Father. My childhood was wonderful and I'm so grateful for it, especially since seeing what kids these days are dealing with.

Don't come here just because your place sucks you asshole

Imagine any setting where 75 % of your childs waking life os spent around a commie sympathising "educator" and shithead kids who will teach your kid a bunch of worthless social crap.

Unnaceptable under any circumstances.

>My childhood was wonderful and I'm so grateful for it
How'd you end up on Any Forums?

Denmark is too cold and seems like a horrible place with bad food. I make money online and will live in Southern Europe with cheap rent.

>have to drive your kids everywhere cause encouraging them to ride a bike or walk to school can get child services on your ass
>school system is dogshit and inefficient grading students
>school system is also inefficient at dealing with harassment and bullying cases, usually slide it under the rug
Yeah it is if you're rich. If you're poor don't have kids, that joy ain't worth the price.

Yes. It wasn't always, but now it is and I'm not sure there's any coming back from it.

>digits witnessed

>Is it true that America is a horrible place to raise a child?

>school system is also inefficient at dealing with harassment and bullying cases
Schools not just letting kids sort their own shit out is what led to 2 going on 3 generations of entitled babbies in the first place. You give them a trophy just for participating, they want you to humor their mental illnesses next

what a retarded question, anyone can go here

Not really, no. It requires a certain mindset to browse Any Forums.

That mindset =/= lived a life of suffering

The healthcare here is absolutely disgusting. They charge you hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars for simple prescriptions. And if you need to go to the hospital for a car accident or some shit, then your medical bill will probably be in the tens of thousands. Same thing if you get cancer or need surgery of some kind. And so unless you can figure out a way to always have a really good health insurance plan, then God help you if you if anyone in your family ever needs medical care. You'll literally be destroyed financially for the rest of your life.

Public schools are free, but they're full of anti-straight White male propaganda and BIPOCs. And so if you want your kid to get a good education and enjoy being a student, then you're either going to have to move to a racially homogeneous community out in the middle of nowhere, pay for private school (which is also usually full of progressive propaganda), or find a waifu who would be willing to homeschool your kids. And then when you get to the university level, again you're going to be confronted by financial rape. We're talking $100,000+ for a bachelor's degree from a good university. And the progressive brainwashing will just get more intense.

And then on top of that you have to deal with an insanely biased news media, non-stop progressive degeneracy and brainwashing in virtually every single sector of the entertainment industry, rapidly growing hordes of BIPOCs (over 2 million are immigrating into America every single year), the normalization of drug use, nigger and spic crime, practically zero community cohesion (you probably won't even know your neighbors), ugly architecture, etc.

And so my advice would be to

Yes, unless you are VERY rich your child will grow up under groomer teachers, surrounded by low iq niggers and mutts and with the risk of getting killed by a stray bullet. Also the Jews