Pediatrician of some of the kids shot and killed in Texas said to Congress today:

Pediatrician of some of the kids shot and killed in Texas said to Congress today:

>"Two of the children shot in the head were decapitated"

Ok what the fuck kind of glow-op shit was this?!?!

Attached: download (1).jpg (232x130, 4.91K)

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you got a source for that?

Pls link.

>Same rifle as used in the Buffalo shootings were you barely see blood or entry wounds on video.

“Only recognizable by their green converse”

Tell me it’s a glow op without telling me it’s a glow op.

>uvalde kids being blown to bits by an ar-15 fully semi automatic assault rifle

Attached: 1654730510416.gif (400x178, 1.94M)

I'll look for it. I saw and heard it earlier. I'll look for a video segment of it, was part of the hearing to Congress today

Found it. It's also in the 2.5 minute video in the link, halfway through. They also had a 4th grader and then a FOUR YEAR OLD TESTIFY. A 4 year old

My county is a circus

Attached: Screenshot_20220608-194150 (1).png (720x1440, 230.33K)

so cartel job? odd shit, never heard about the decapitations

I thought decapitation was our speciality

The official narrative has changes everyday. The glow is intensifying so much even normies are starting to question what they hear on the TV, so you know it's bad

>Clinging for life and finding none
God I hate journalists.

Since this thread isn't getting much traction and will probably get 404'd soon, I'm going to make a second one with better images, links, and info soon after. Thanks anons. My country is breaking and even old grannies and grandpas that are normies and can't use the internet or cell phones are talking about the obvious civil war on the horizon

While I hate ((journalists)) too best ally, that quote was from the ((doctor)) himself

Traumatic decapitation. Basically, they got their heads blown to bits. Probably by a high-velocity hollow point. 9mm hollow point can do the same thing. People who don't think that this can happen should spend more time on a gore site.

Its just to make it sound sensational.
>omg no!!! The chilllen were decapitated!!!!
>take away guns!!

So like the victims in the buffalo shooting who got headshot with the same gun and ammo. You know, the ones on the video that had no head explosions or blood splatter?

Just... Seems a bit... Yawwwwnnnn I'm getting sleepy nvm

better to just not engage the shills user

They had a 4 year old testify who used words that middle schoolers don't know in a day and time when half of teens in our highschools can't pass a basic English test

They are getting sloppier and sloppier

Thanks for the reminder #51 state. Btw do people on the island want to be a state or no?

A high powered rifle can absolutely decapitate a person, especially a little person. Not everything is a conspiracy user. When you start calling everything a conspiracy, it takes away from actual conspiracies. The amount of resources it would take for the cia to pull off a SCHOOL SHOOTING with hundreds of witnesses would be absurd. Even if they hired actors/paid people off, there would still be that one person who tells the truth eventually.

why would PR become a state, when the Jones Act is more profitable for the USA? no matter how much the people vote for statehood, it will never happen. and they always vote yes.

user you seem to have made up your mind that this is absolutely an inside job. Will any amount of evidence convince you that this was just a retard with a gun? Do you not realize that conspiracies like these are started to make you guys seem batshit crazy (like Alex Jones)?

Do you not know we can’t hear you over all that cock in your mouth, faggot?

Probably full metal jacket as opposed to hollow point. Full metal jacket goes straight through. If it hits a head just right, it causes a type of injury called a "canoe". Hollow point stops dead and dumps all of it's energy at once, causing a lot more damage. Too bad bestgore went under. You could see a lot of this there.

Ok thanks for the insight

I've watched gore for years. Please show me one video where a head gets decapitated, aka cut clean off the spine, by a gun. Please

Wrong user you replied to. To answer your question, yes there is evidence that would convince me if I see it. A video of someone being decapitated by a gunshot. The same gun used in buffalo that caused zero blood splatter or cloud of blood mist when those victims got domed by similar bullets


And what I meant by Alex Jones: Someone convinced him that sandy hook was an inside job by showing him a pile of "evidence" that was shaky at best. But when its in a pile its hard to deny. So when he started reporting it was fake, people assumed he went off the deep end and started disregarding what he had to say. And its a real shame, because he uncovered some actual conspiracies like bohemian grove

I was on best gore as an everyday user and commenting for over a decade.

Never saw ahead get blown off the spine by an AR15, FMJ, hollow point, etc etc. Never. Have you? If so, please put down the link or video

wait, you don't KNOW sandy is fake? is this a thing in 2022? incredible!

>Sandy hook
>Still no death certificates for any of the kids
>Still no record from any morgue or coroner
>Still no gravesites


Nigger whats the point of even talking about this stuff if your mind is already made up?

Its not

>Was this faked?

But rather

>This was totally faked, just like every other mass shooting. If you disagree with me at all then your a glowfaggot case closed.

Why would the cia, with its massive resources, forget to create fake gravesites/death certificates? If they can pull off a school shooting and keep the lie going for this long, then you'd assume they would cover all their bases

>Know they can get away with it

Probably one of the above or a combo. So then you'll gladly show me these things that you say exist?

Ok so why it faked?

*Was, not why

Probably some on theync. Seen one where somebody shot themselves with a 9mm hollow point. Nothing left from the lower jaw up. These kids probably looked about the same. Pretty obvious why they didn't let the parents see the bodies.

the green converse stuff was super weird. That actor's wife was carrying around the green converse and every media article was like
>these were the exact same shoes the dead girl was wearing
its weirder than sandy hook