Another kino war footage from ukraine

Russian SOF group ambushes a ukie sof patrol of three, taking one alive as a tongue.

Attached: 1654639324978.jpg (1920x1080, 323.19K)

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watch it closely. the group is top tier.
not gonna wrd for those who cant see the details, but the whole video should be shown for SOF operator all over the globe.

Looks fake and gay just like the whole entire Ukrainian war

They cannot kill a surrender or incapacitated enemy. That's why there was POW camps for years in other countries.

It is a war crime under Protocol I of the Geneva Convention. False surrenders are usually used to draw the enemy out of cover to attack them off guard, but they may be used in larger operations such as during a siege.

Reality is fake and gay, only your imagination is real.

>not gonna wrd for those who cant see the details

Attached: 5mn8c3[1].png (364x484, 336.96K)

IS this at night or day?


If you see colors. It is day. Nightvision can not "see" colors.

I do not know maybe they developed some enigne which automatically colors surroundings. I was just asking.

>top sof should be shown operator muh operator
t. vidya expert /gamer

huge ass crater

Attached: Capture.jpg (1280x749, 205.92K)

There's a version of this with the POV from the Russian guys as well.


props to the Ukrainian soldier he stayed alive with 8 soldiers shooting at him.

>doing a basic ambush is top tier

Don't have it. Saw it on telegram, but can't find link.

Lead Russian guy comments that it was pretty scary, as the ukie kept shooting as they were approaching.

holy shit. bigger than any building there. what is that like 500kg bomb?

> Paбoтaйтe, бpaтья!:
‼ Уникaльныe кaдpы бoя: pyccкий cпeцнaз yничтoжaeт cпeцгpyппy BCУ в тылy вpaгa Бoeвaя paбoтa cпeцнaзa в Зaпopoжcкoй oблacти фикcиpyeтcя c БПЛA @btr80

Both sides did what they were supposed to do. I am not really sure that they are special forces but certainly both sides were not brainlet conscripts or larpers.

If I sounded rude it is my German culture. You asked a valid question.

Night vision with colors is currently in development. But it is not "true" colors. The AI is guessing the colors. Similar to denoising in most render engines.

I will go now for a walk. Lets see if you can ambush me. Okay. I go now. See you.

heli pov (multiple Stinger launches on it, but they have protection against that):

some captured weapons, ammo and stuff:

Kalibrs launching from sea:

Sometimes your best isn't good enough. In war, this probably means death.

This is the full video

Based take