Black population in Europe in 2020

Black population in Europe in 2020


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Nobody cares

Should be 0%.

Sweden is much better than I thought.
France is much worse but they got plenty of overseas properties
Still, Pierre's fucked

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We are all fucked

It's gonna be fine Ivan, people are waking up, soon boomers will age and we'll strip their wealth away for sins of trying to replace us.

I've been hearing this fucking shit for years. Nobody is waking up, nobody is going to do anything, WE will age and our wealth is going to be stripped away by niggers who WILL replace us. Its just so tiresome.

Are skinhead movements still popular in Russia?

Why the hell would Zoomers be more right wing than boomers Alek?

>I've been hearing this fucking shit for years.
because this stuff doesn't take years, but centuries. How long it took until frenchies rebelled against their aristocracy? 500 years?
2 more centuries


it makes sense for former colonialists but why so high in nodick?

No, all somewhat-nationalists were killed here or they moved to Ukraine and decided to stop being russian, kek.

There's actually next to no actual niggers, here. Just a bunch of sandniggers, instead.

Yeah, but europeans will be extinct by the time this century ends. Russians gonna disappear even faster.

>2 more weeks

You really dont have a clue about western mentality

We need to go lower

if nothing radical happens, slavs will prevail.
Or not. These are weird times to live in. As any other times in human history. It was always weird. If not wars, then massive migrations. Decadency in loops times and times again, countries falling and being created. We see it as weird, just because our lives are so short.
the one pretty weird trend is human skull becoming smaller on average though. It shrunk 10% in the last 100 thousands years. Would be shame if we never left this planet and just stayed here until we run out of everything

lots of arabs around 8-10%

I thought Albania is 100% black

There is literally no way that is accurate. UK is more like 15 or 20% same with france