Nationalist Movments in CZ

Im moving back home in the comming weeks, and need to get involed IRL in Nationalism so my home doesnt turn into a shithole like England.

SPD seems cringe, virtue single about Isreal.
DSSS seems Larpy
NS fronta (Nacionaliste) seems like the only group doing nationalism though.
Here is there website and telegram
Any thoughts?

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>Nepoužívá https

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there is the czech samurai

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For me, it's the Pirate party

too late, faggot.
your retarded kindred has molested its own economy with "MuH ChInK FLu" and now poverty will ruin CZ in a similar rhythm as in the UK

rather vote that idiot okamura than some dsss or other retards


Im not talking about purely voting, i want to network with local nationalists.


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shut the fuck up you fat faggot go eat another can of beeferoni

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lgbt+++ green bullshit

pirates were good when they were just party of IT pro pirating nerd freaks 20y ago, i would vote them with anything i had if they were still the same


Stay where you are faget. Once a migrant, always a migrant.

This. Its literally just a liberal party now.

Anything guys?
Any orgs or avenues to network down?

Ive only been here for 2 years :(

Prague pride is in august :)

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>Opinion discarted
Even the Czechs have given up their faith on Prague. And Moravians never had it in the first place. Wait until Brno gets globohomo'd next

This. I don't even bother listening to their bullshit.

So you think we should make pride events in other cities too? That's a great idea!