This frightens and confuses the europoor

This frightens and confuses the europoor.

Attached: Interior-Costco-store.jpg (1600x1197, 888.8K)

Costco is the only good thing left in this dying country, godbless the owner for keeping hotdogs prices the same the last decade

I love robbing these stores

t. never been to Europe

surprise surprise

I love you.

My mufti cast curse on you!

wtf? why is that store full of product?
its so weird not seeing empty shelves, with maybe a single can of beans if even that.

lol do americans really think we dont have big box retail shops?
>american education strikes again

Attached: 916E2A15-3797-4E12-9975-0B9D008B0C66.jpg (359x537, 35.85K)

Jesus look at those fat stacks of goyslop

Attached: 1654659848147.png (750x980, 181.95K)

What idea of European shops do you have? Draw me a picture.

On Any Forums europoors always brag about walking to the store.
How the fuck they gonna carry all that on their back?


That's a picture from before the pandemic if I had to wager

We have Aldi here, and for me I lived in Germany.

They're increasing the price by a dollar now. The world is ending!

Get with the times education is racist

red pill me on costco, is it as good as they say?

Every European on this board says there you can just walk a minute from your house and you're at a store

Do Americans really eat this kind of food?

Is it true that you drink sodas (fanta, coke) every day?

Americans are embarrassing to the human race.

>Wear BLM sticker
>Put 3 of everything in cart
>Run out with car ready to speed off
Racial profiling is racist bro

no, we have shitty supermarkets as well. The ones in France and Spain are the best.

They brag about it like it's the greatest thing in the world, then you find out that most don't have cars or drivers licenses

>young children in trolleys screaming their heads off
>mum occasionally looks up from cellphone to screech at them
my experience in the UK

Nah man, it's like a warehouse store.
You can't buy 1 can of beans, you must buy 12, shit like that.

>t. never been to Europe
t. never been out of Arkansas. FTFY :)

(This picture REALLY confuses the Yank!)

Attached: Italian man docking with an apple.png (513x680, 581.48K)

It's the snack isle. You buy a random box for enough bribes for the kids for a month.