Are we in hell?

Attached: arewe.gif (480x480, 3.89M)

If I had to rave about a resturaunt
It would have to be mcdonalds. at mcdonalds, cant get enough
of them chicken nuggies. The
Smell of fresh non-preservable
french fries. The coushouned
seats where everyone sits
and enjoys the mcburger
Love Mcdonald


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I hate her nasally fucking voice so much.

just gonna keep spamming this huh?

Kamala is the prime example of a diversity hire

This shit encompasses her entire personality.
>poorly copying someone else while laughing just like a fucking demon

>BIPOC being happy about the first female BIPOC VP is hell
You guys are insane

She's kinda hot. I'm watching an old episode of Montell Williams. He got that prime good good

Not as insane as wanting a nigger anywhere near a government position

Do you have to ask?

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This is what I meant to post.

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i don't know man, but it sure ain't heaven

No, but you're on the way

Harris is cockney rhyming slang for arse, and I bet she does have a horrible arse. Like a fridge that's been battered with a sledgehammer

Name one accomplishment Kamala Harris ever achieved as senator of California without mentioning race or sex.
Name. One.

Always had a stinky pussy and halitosis

You actually defended Kackling Kamala. That’s pathetic.

You are already dead this is Hell

i'm convinced that i died long ago and just paying for what i did

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she's a better example of sleeping your way to the top. she fucked her way up the political ladder in california

She reminds me so much of my old boss with that condescending tone and smile. Fucking cunt boss bitch stereotype needs to end.

there are so many other things in the world that is more hellish than this, underage user

Only the guilty get punished in hell.

Don't those guys have harems of sex slaves?

Ever since I was a kid, that has crossed my mind many times

Dravidian-Nigger mutt

cringe...token VP is another Biden embarrassment.

you see all of those white women in the back there that fill the park but are kept from view of the camera by the like-minded ditzy niggers banging on their drums? yeah, they're the main ones reveling in "BIPOC" in nominally influential positions of power. this is because of shrinking penis sizes. it all comes back to the bedroom in the end.

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For the thousandth time, yes.


They're not insane. They're just angry virgins.

We are all god's children, and he left us in a locked car in the scorching heat