Hi Any Forums

Hi Any Forums
This board has an elephant problem. There's just too many Republicans and Republican sympathizers here and I think we should make it as inhospitable place as possible for these MIGA retards. Of course we hurt the Donkey faggots too. That goes without saying I hope. But these goddamn boomer Republican establish cock sucking mongrels feel like they're welcome here and they aren't. So any time you see an elephant fag flag (or donkey), or hear sometime defending this party of pedophile bloodsuckers be sure to tell them to fucking kill themselves.

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okay groomer

Keep voting for actual pedophiles and kill yourself.

Yeah cause you're so much better posting from your computer doing absolutely nothing to advance the interests of white people in any way except (maybe) having kids who will be muttified in 80 years because you don't live in a deliberately white community

The republicans may not be awake but you're awake and not doing anything about it

I know right? We gotta make sure this replacement happens legally.

>r-repubicwicans are the weal gwoomers!
You lost, fag.

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White people are idiots. If it wasn't the Jews, it'd be Martians or some shit. Hell, who else bows to niggers?

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I will vote for Biden just to spite MAGA faggots. Trump was collapse in suspended animation, Biden is collapse in hyperdrive. Two niggers of the same coin.

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Fuckoff pedo

>Be Groomer
>"Heh Heh, of course we will bash the democrats, but I HATE REPUBLICANS!"
>Get told to fuck off

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>Hi Any Forums
>This board has an elephant problem. There's just too many normies and normie sympathizers here and I think we should make it as inhospitable place as possible for any discourse that doesn't fall between the prescribed conversation. Of course we hurt the Donkey faggots too. That goes without saying I hope. But these goddamn boomer normie cock sucking mongrels feel like they're welcome here and they aren't. So any time you see an elephant fag flag (or donkey), or hear sometime defending this party of pedophile bloodsuckers be sure to tell them to fucking kill themselves.
Fixed it

>hello fellow Any Forumsacks

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This confirms my theory that Any Forums only responds to people based on whether they think the post is "on their side" or not
I fucking agreed with you

The fact remains that you support the US political class, you are a slave to globalist masters and while Democrats nod and smile when they hear this, it makes Republicans furious. It's funny to watch them deny it. It also shows you how much effort the Republican party goes to shill their shitty candidates and policies on Any Forums.

>the shills and government inciters are so angry now that they're just going to go for the 'kill the kulaks' plan again
didn't grab the guns first, and you never will, it won't work OP

trump's 900 judges made you lose

OP I so agree, fuck all those Trumpers. Want to have sex with me and General Milley? Love and Kisses, Joe Biden

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Not big on self-awareness, huh?

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You have theories?

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I understand that you're so demoralized that you beg for scraps from your masters' table. But you're more powerful than you think and you don't need anyone from these treasonous god damn hellbound parties to take your country back.

Most definetly, these people talk about muh democrats being the bad guys like the alternative is any better, its pathetic, conservatives dont conserve anything and never will

We better be careful. OP is a dick sucking nigger pedophile who has monkey pox. We have under constant observation. Your obedient servant. General Milley

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>complains about republicans and MIGA

Democrats have always been more MIGA than republicans ever have. Zion Biden already gave more money to Israel his first year than Trump did in all 4. Fuck even Chuck Schumer the leader of the democrat party is an Israeli citizen.

Democrats are always clueless about what they're talking about. It's always projection.

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>we are civilized and highly empathetic and in harmony with nature
>also wh*Tes
subhuman soon-to-be-extinct cave beasts
