Biden slips walking up the Air Force One stairs again.

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Barely slipped. Who gives a shit

My leader should never slip.

Cum-allah got excited

Imagine still backing this train wreak because you want to fuck kids so bad.

>I have to protect papa Biden from the mean trolls
For all of the shit you fags gave trumpers, you're not much better. Hell you're worse defending this pedophile. Probably a worthless glownigger too.

He also shat himself

I'd love to see airforce one fitted with a stairlift

Attached: 44-1024x685-2941932114 stairlift.jpg (1024x685, 132.12K)

*benny hill theme plays*

they let him on air force one?

weak knees, weak leader

because when he slips then he's slipping? then he grabs a 9mm and then you know he straight trippin?


everyone's waiting for the next faceplant bro
nothing wrong with celebrating a close call
this old nigger is gonna faceplant eventually
could be any day

Back to /r/eddit you go, faggotlips


innit this the guy that shit and pissed himself on tv?

Was hoping he fell down the stairs. I'm half his age and often trip up the stairs

I do that too but it's because my feet are like canoes

When was the last time that faggot gave a press conference?

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you know, in MY day, POSTUS was bad-ass enough to take the harder slip ... going down

>didnt die
God damn it

Have you faggots never tripped over something?

When he was Vice President

>Id: FAt
maybe Biden will get the hint finally that although he has the brain capacity of an infant they are not known for their ability to stay upright for too long