Do you even understand how different Muslims are from the average western person?

Even just in terms of organizing their life around prayer. A Muslim living in Britain for example would need to be in bed by 9pm most nights to get sufficient rest to wake up for the 4am morning prayer. A Muslim at work is not thinking about "urggh get me home now so i can chill! xx" like the average woman ranting on facebook, the Muslim is checking his watch to make sure he isn't late for afternoon prayer. When he gets home he has to wash and prepare for the next prayer. There's no time for idle socializing or watching sports or weekend piss ups with the boys or whatever.

Then there's all the other things like a Muslim cannot watch a Youtuber or take information and knowledge from even another Muslim until that Muslim has been checked for aqeedah and creedal preferences. Does the person sympathize with the Shia? Is he a rafidi? does he get too close to Sufis? What are his views on Ash'aris etc etc. Every aspect of a Muslims life is governed by closely scrutinizing every person (Muslim or non-Muslim) they come into contact with and managing time schedules to accommodate the 5 prayers.

There are tons of other things too that make Islamic life so different from western average life. I don't think even Any Forums understands how different Islamic living is from the way every other fag lives.

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Yup, sir. Muslims are based

>Bongistani mudslime incapable of understanding how and why no one likes his retarded faggot religion, and ceaselessly makes these garbage threads convincing everyone they hate you even more

What the fuck is it with Shitslamoshills being so fragile? Make banter, not essays

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>life. I don't think even Any Forums understands
And yet you think Any Forums cares. Interesting

That explains why they are never well rested and why they never do hard work. But how does it explain the crime, the low IQ, the rape and the theft?

Inshallah brother. Muhammad was trans!

You pray to the jewish abomination known as Ialdabaoth. Fuck your nigger tier religion and your dogshit faggot kike god
I shit down abrahams throat

Even pious Jews don't have as much discipline as Muslims. Muslims are perfectly able to hold down a job, have 6 children and a decent home life while conforming to every single aspect their religion requires. Not only Qu'ran but Every Hadith is paid attention to and implemented in daily living. You would think that Muslims living in the west especially would be too tempted to fall off religion and become just like any other western normie indulged in the night life but Muslims just ignore all the socializing, all the christmas parties, all the onlyfans etc going on around them and stick to perfect religious discipline. Everything else such as sports, clubbing, gym obsession, holidays to aiya napa etc is simply ignored as Muslims strive to live the way the pious predecessors did.

this is like saying every jew is ultra-orthodox
i've known plenty of muslim dudes and they all pick and choose. they avoid pork but eat chicken that isn't halal

Yeah so the borg dont deviate! whats fucking new on the earth faggot!

The glowniggers are sliding thsi bread
They don't want you to catch onto the psyop

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Well gee someone better tell the vast majority of Muslims then, they're doing it all wrong!

> Muslims just ignore all the socializing, all the christmas parties, all the onlyfans etc going on around them and stick to perfect religious discipline

No wonder you're spamming your cringe preachposting -- you're quite literally trying to COPE with your religion losing the culture war at lightning speed. Maybe go back to whatever shithole you came from, where they aren't pressured to be Westernized -- as in, become actual human beings.

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>Islamic life is better

Then why do you come to Europe?

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Most of the “halal” meat in the uk isn’t halal. Many butchers cut the throat slowly, slowly making the blood drain out.

Fuck off mohammed. The only reason why muslims are to feverish about their religion is because they are literal schizos. Go fuck yourself and die.

the shithole where that animal came from is the same shithole where you came from, animal. Hope Israel gets nuked soon along with every nigger kike and muslim, catholic niggers get glassed too, death to the god of abraham

Calm down Miguel. Speak any louder and the cartel will behead you and your entire family.

I'm not making the claim of either being better i am stating that most people would be surprised if they knew how devoted Muslims were. People assume Muslims are just cultural Muslims like cultural Christians who ignore their religion and just have fun like anyone else. This is not the case. Even Muslim children 7 years old are reciting Qu'ran and practicing Islam. You've got 10 year old Muslim children who will hold a yawn rather than release it to abide by the hadith. We don't see this is any other group of people who all seem to be the same lifestyle wise; netflix, gym, work, clubbing, rinse repeat. Muslims live nothing like this.

Every muslim I've met drinks alcohol occasionally, listens to music, doesn't do daily prayer. Ramadan and pork seem to be the only things taken seriously
Yep. Self-awareness, they have not

Keep being an animal shlomo, you know your blood is cursed, every nigger that worships abarahams demon will get what they deserve in the end. Don't forget to suck more baby dicks and sell more kiddie porn fucking animal heeb

>Kike incapable of understanding how and why no one likes his retarded faggot tribe, and ceaselessly makes these garbage posts convincing everyone to hate you even more

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And most don’t even do that right. Ramadan is supposed to take place in about 3 months, and most muslims blindly follow a lunar based calendar that didnt exist for centuries after muhammads death

>Do you even understand how different Muslims are from the average western person?
Yes, they're fucking retarded and inbred and will never be a real human.

>Keep being an animal shlomo
Holy projection.
>you know your blood is cursed
Okay Aztec
>Don't forget to suck more baby dicks and sell more kiddie porn fucking animal heeb
What Any Forums alleges Jews are doing doesn't even come remotely close to the shit from your fucking demonic people. Stay mad, beaner.

>same reused, unsourced jpeg for the 10,000th time
The straw has been grasped a while back, Chang. Get some new material

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>Every muslim I've met drinks alcohol occasionally, listens to music, doesn't do daily prayer. Ramadan and pork seem to be the only things taken seriously

What about creed? The Muslims i am around will not pray behind a Shia or Barelwi for example or an extreme Sufi who prays to graves. Distance is kept from Ash'aris and even Deobandis too. These matters are taken extremely seriously and scholarly opinions are adhered to as principle. Maybe it's different in Canada.

>What Any Forums alleges Jews are doing doesn't even come remotely close to the shit from your fucking demonic people.
Why do you keep posting here kike? Nobody likes you or your projection.

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