Spain is collapsing

This was € 20,95

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What was the most expensive of all your goods, sir?

Wtf is that bread user

Not gonna lie that would be 40 bucks in the states right now, count your blessings

Garna Padano cheese € 3,40
Just some rye bread crackers

>Grana Padano
How much is that one?

Not surprised. The cheese, the cured ham and the salami is probably 15 eur together

Protip: if you steal the cheese you will save €3,40.

lol at least. you euros should be glad you can get (compared to most of us) high quality deli meat/cheese for a couple dollars. same shit for us is probably twice as much.

What the actual fuck sir.

To eurojail for you, that cheese belongs to the migrants

Read my name

>gazpacho de bote


lmao twice?
that shit is plastic
the real shit is like $12 for 11 slices

Youre the true sir, sir.

from what store is that? even mercadona isn't that expensive.

>brit or mutt on vacations
we have better food than that shit you eat over there but you can't live without it I see

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no food banks where you live?

I’m about to get a Chik Fil A spicy chicken biscuit. You faggaroos don’t know about such things in Moorland.

canada on suicide watch

I thought that was milk, it's gazpacho lmao!!!!! Do spaniards really? Kek. Not too bad, but it looks kinda sad. Here's mine.

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do you think you're going to live for a year more, or three?

how much for that?


That's a fair price to sustain one homosexual for one whole day

Yesterday I paid 7€ for:
4 (cheapest) burger patty: 4€
1 slice of (cheapest) Brie cheese: 1,20€
6 (cheapest) eggs: 2.80€

Fuck this clown world. 3 years ago this would have costed half

>El Horno

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