How do trannies manage to worm their way up in gaming...

How do trannies manage to worm their way up in gaming? It's basically having a lever to spew their ideology to younger audiences.

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Trannies = bottoms = beta nerds.
nothing changed

How do we know that's not a kike that just happens to be a tranny?

Explain body builder and army troons.

Promoted by the entire institution of gaming (other than gamers themselves, ironically) even if they are terrible at said games.

I sometimes try to imagine that trannies are just failed men/women that didn't get laid and so they became what they most desired in life.

>an industry that attracts socially maladjusted loners
>why is it full of trannys?
Don't know user. Real mystery that is.

body builders are just men competing against women, of course they are going to excel.

As for the military, the US military has been pozzed for almost a decade now. Has nothing to do with them as a person.

they're usually quite intelligent, and they're using that to groom others into their sick fetish

Older dudes who nuked their test through steroids and exposure to stress. And autogynopheilliacs

Companies are financially incentivized to hire and promote perverts, non-whites and women through things like ESG rating.

Oy vey. Stop noticing that a particular group controls media production!

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The great reset boomers with a hardon for social engineer think vidja games are the perfect tool for propaganda. Gamergate exposed how high this kind of bullshit went. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they have no idea how to make a decent game and forgot how to make a decent movie.

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normal distribution - outliers exist.


Most trannies are just failed men, and failed men are overwhelmingly found in nerd spaces. Simple as.

I was in a prog class in college and that was in 2010 and half of the class were weird faggot ped weebs and the other were fat cunts

I have a strong dislike for code monkeys

lmao imagine playing a bioware game in anno domini 2022

the tranny lives online.
watching tranime, playing video games, shitting up /vst/, etc.
they have to do this because they need attention, but cant actually go outside, or even look in a mirror without wanting to commit an hero

Body builders have the same mindset as trannies, the futile pursuit of a superficial ideal that they'll never achieve. Same problem, different retarded solution. That, and they usually fry their testicles with roids.
Army troons were the beta nerds turned gay by constantly being surrounded in close quarters by superior male specimens, simple as.

>queerosexual gendermancer
these freaks literally think they're DnD characters or what? the fuck

body dysmorphia, also if they take roids they will turn into a bitch when quitting
>army troons
people who willingly join the army are lapdog bottoms, obviously

Trannies think they have a monopoly on fictional realities.