Kek. Kyle Rittenhouse BTFO by every college...

Kek. Kyle Rittenhouse BTFO by every college. It's a good thing conservatives believe colleges are useless scams or he might be really upset.

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Oh cool, more people for him to sue. Very clear discrimination.

How retarded would you have to be to WANT to go to college?

Pretty much. No need for college just a good lawyer. Kid will be rich for life if he doesnt nigger spend his money in a week.

Lmao and you idiots wonder why Any Forums is chock full of incels...

there have never been less college students having sex though?

Its funny to see. Found innocent pn the grounds pf self defence and treated like a murderer. Whats the fucking point of due process anymore.

This, just go get certed. Most companies are awash in 4-year-degreed paper pushers and need people that actually understand technical concepts.

These spics are getting way too bold. Sure import their parents for cheap labor and than what? They are going to make sure their kids pursue higher education and then… just import more 3rd worlders?

Isn’t he busy suing a shit ton of people with deep pockets that would otherwise prefer to settle to avoid the drama? Why in the fuck would he waste his time in college. He will have more money at 20 than I do at 40 working a very good job with a graduate degree.

He is treated poorly because he is ugly, simple as

>Why in the fuck would he waste his time in college
So that he can sue them, duh.

>Very clear discrimination.
Discrimination on what grounds though?
I'm pretty sure in the US discrimination must be against a protected characteristic, like in the UK/EU.

Retarded libs don't understand he's "PLANNING" to go. It's summer he's probably starting in the fall y'know like a normal person.

Do you not understand how "higher education" works these days? You probably, in the same breath, support student debt forgiveness.

This. Obviously discrimination.

checked and nothing troll post

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He's dumb. He could grift the right for the next 10 years and make millions from Fox news retards. He doesn't need to go to college.

Good luck proving it's because of his social status and not his grades. All they have to say is he missed years of school and it's unrelated to anything else. Suing a school for discrimination only works if you're a nigger.

that dude's net worth is already probably more than you'll ever see in your life lol
btw he has a very punchable face but man, you just seem more annoying than him

Why is he even bothering going to college when he could spend all his time suing the media for defamation? And while he's at it, sue the colleges that are discriminating against him too. The amount of shekels gained will make his head spin.

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This, he’s already going to get libel money out the ass from CNN. Who gives a fuck about a college degree? Maybe if he wanted to run for office or something.

What about Liberty?

Attached: liberty.png (781x819, 569.79K)

We dont know the terms behind his liberatión.

I'm pretty sure people sue organizations all the time for discrimination based on, what would essentially be, politics here. Rittenhouse was found not guilty and acquitted on all charges. In the court of public opinion, he's guilty. Otherwise, why WOULD he be barred from attending his schools?

>admitted to having shitty grades his senior year of high school
>apply to college that has some academic standards (3.7 GPA minimum) and is competitive to get into (60% acceptance rate) assuming he even applied on time since the deadline was in March
>college rejects him

do you faggots even leave your house?

you should lurk more...
wisdom will come with time

Who the fuck wants to be a grifter though? He is demonstrably a moral person who wants to help his community. I agree that college is not necessarily the best way to do that, but being reduced to a fucking eceleb whore sounds like a terrible fate.

the courts lead by kikes will do nothing, and conservatives will do nothing, because doing something would be evil fedposting

He's not being barred from anything he literally hasn't even applied yet.

>community college
>100% acceptance rate
>except for kyle

>twatter screencap
>no link
Into the trash it goes

I doubt he could argue political discrimination. They'd just say he's a very public and controversial figure who would disrupt the learning environment, which honestly he would. He's being rejected because of a high profile murder case.

Try again bomg

holy based. little blue pilled tho.
> wanting to kill muslims instead of police, judges, politicians, feds, globalists

pretty sure universities in germany can't decline your application if you have the neccessary grades and didn't fuck up any application formalities.
discrimation as a legal concept seems to only include protected groups though
like universities are allowed to discriminate against high school dropouts in their application process

The community college didn’t reject him, he literally hasn’t enrolled yet. You can’t fucking expect to get into college if you can’t bother submitting an application. The dumbass never heard of a backup school and just assumed he was good enough to be accepted into his first aid only choice. Most students are smart enough to apply to 3-5 choices so they have their options open, Kyle clearly isn’t good at this higher education thing.

How do German universities decide who gets a place? Surely their places aren't unlimited. Is it first come first served, some kind of lottery or what?

Cope, shill.

I heard an interview last week he is going to texas a+m.

Lol hes a millionaire why waste money and time in college?

Community college doesn't take grades into consideration

If I were him, I'd look for a job in media, become an influencer and also sue the outlets that called him a white supremacist for defamation.

College is for kids that don't know what they are doing.

Isn't that the guy who liked to watch his wife get fucked by the hispanic pool boy?

Anti Semitic colleges, he will sue and collect his shekels

For the spics the immigration is a double edged sword. More spics means more competition and leeching of welfare, but also means higher representation for spics.

usually it goes like this:
>this year we have 100 new slots for new students
>last year the person with the 100th best GPA had a GPA of x
>this year we will take everyone with a GPA > x

>Point to all the murderer niggas who the school gladly accepted while tried and convicted
>Point to their gpa requirements and acceptance rates for students who also have a NO CRIMINAL RECORD
>Implying there isn't caselaw about this
This kid is going to be a billionaire through trolling leftist activists who like to play petite tyrant.

Is that legal?

FERPA lawsuits incoming

I'd just sue everyone in existence, then live like a king overseas. Why stick around a country that hates you for not doing anything wrong?

Niggers have worse academic records than that yet will still get accepted because muh diversity quotas.

Kyle is pretty normie in his attitude. He still would like to become a paramedic.

no, murders get accepted on diversity scholarships

Wait, what? This ~30 years old dude is actually a kid? Man, you guys are so fucked up, something in the water or I don't know.

Why the fuck would he want to go to college? Nowadays they are just huge scams and liberal indoctrination centers.

> places for those who are curious and seek higher knowledge
> the splendor of learning is deep debates and exposing weaknesses in your own and other ideology
> kicks you out if you think ANY differently from the prescribed script
why are academics and communists like this?

I thought he was going to be a firefighter why is he going to college for that


I net about 77k with no degree but crossing the 6 figure barrier is going to require a 4 year degree and i am soooo mad about that. They will teach me NOTHING.

his lawyers are collecting lawsuits. if they prove rittenhouse is denied based on 2a beliefs, another slam dunk suit.
every self-important administration woman denying him due to feelings is writing a 5 figure check