I don't get it

What did Stonetoss mean by this?

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My guess is that the alphabet soup flag is a magnet for degenerates

This time the amogus is so plainly hidden that I'm not even going to point it out


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Op blows cocks while riding a lawn mower.

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Guys I'm morbing

footfags will never be accepted

is mayonnaise a gender?

cringe meme

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he has a foot fetish and wants to be accepted

Ok boomer

we don't need to/ want to be

> You do not consume product. why not consume product? you not like me. you old. CONSUMMEE PRODUCT NOW!!

That foot fags are a degenerate as real fags.

This hairstyle makes me so fucking angry

This is you trying to be accepted. No girl will ever love you. You’re a freak with a humiliation fetish.

lgbt is about fetishes

It’s a head loaf

I hope all the rainbox gets pushed off.

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It's just a meme buddy. I never even played the game

i meant accepted by society.

memes are also product. it may not seem like it now. but at some point in the future. memes will be mandatory to consume. Ted was right. industrial society was mistake

I can tolerate footfags that know what they are but I am perplexed by footfags who insist it isn't a servile fetish.

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This gets thrown around a lot, but I unironically don't get it.

Cope fags, getting that good lady foot smell while I have their feet behind their ears, every girl will let you do what you want if you project dominance

Stonetoss is great but foot fetishists don't rape kids like fags nor insist that everyone like what we like

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stonetoss needs to remain cute, and footfags are the cutest face to put on a group that includes truly heinous wretches