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So, you guys going to ban cars? lol


based zigeuner

Getting payback.

Probably just a drunk

And the people who are "injured" are jews who got PTSD from witnessing a gypsy hurt themselves.
I wonder who big their pay out will be

Based. Germans are even more subhuman than Gypsies.

That's unironically one of their end goals so it'll probably eventually happen

When are the coutries of yurop going to finally adopt common sense vehicle control? No one needs full auto high speed bimmers! What about diesel assault trucks? Did you know you can buy those WITHOUT A BACKGROUND CHECK??

Nobody cares about your shithole

why should there be cars in a city? you can easily get around by bike or public transportation

>gypsie danger

thanks for your bump nigger

yet another white male terrorist

You do know that there's a high likelihood of you being German?

I'll gladly walk for a month so we can use the trains to ship them to the camps again

Not before we do it first. This is how Trudeau will fix gas prices.

aber in der Zeitung steht er wäre deutscher lol

says the amerifat. lol

Do the needful sirs, we have more to supply. We are producing them with faster rates then you can accept them. Change some visa law or some expiration date lwas.
>Please sirs.
>I am tired of gypsies.

hopefully you lose another war and all the gypsies in camps convert to Judaism and move to America, for the second time.

I'm English, Irish and Norwegian.

The likelyhood of him being a spic is growing by the day

Actually most cars ar manual not automatic.

>Both sides furiously checking to see if it was a Nazi or a Sandnigger
>It was a fucking Gypsie

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Say hi for your armenian immigrant. Permanent visa now? Full housing with out rent for years, 3 meals per day and doctor always nearby.

Welcome to paradise.

Euroland has no common sense vehicle control. I had a eurotard tell me american road designs were bad because we dont have automated car lift elevators and every bridge isnt a drawbridge to raise and lower so cars can make a turn onto the roadways. Apparently not only do their cars drive themselves there but their roads can reposition themselves to accommodate even the darkest dumbest nigger the government gave a bmw to.

Who tf told you that

Kek, colonial rape offspring projecting hard.

We need common-sense gypsy control

White supremacist terror again!