Why is GHB so illegal while alcohol is still legal...

Why is GHB so illegal while alcohol is still legal. Don't get me wrong alcohol should be 100% legal anywhere I would want to live, but it's a lot like alcohol has similar effects less negative ones like hangovers.it's very common in the Netherlands but not as common here, but their people seem to doing just fine.

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You ever see some cunt blow out?

because it's fun. same reason quaaludes are banned

Anything boomers abused in their day that was fun but non-damaging was banned.

GHB is unironically a great drug.

Is that the one the homosexuals use to make their asshole dilate?

Because it is super easy to OD on? Can you imagine a bar selling GHB drinks, how many retarded men and woman would be puking their guts out in the salon. And those drunk fucks that think they aren't drunk enough to mix GHB and alcohol will fall asleep and never wake up. It would be chaos. So many deaths.

No, you're probably thinking of cocks again.

It's like how spirits are typically more regulated than lite beer - a smaller amount of the drug incapacitates a person so it's easier to overdo it.

It's a larger question whether the People ought to have our representatives enact laws to curtail access to either substance or any substance but it's a clearly demarcated and logically defensible policy, and for the most part is not a hazy and capricious line drawn by a shaniqua petty despot at some jewish agency.

>t. picrel

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Because zog (final redpill: all government ever is zog) benefits from alcohol, benefits from taxes on it, benefits from the war on drugs, benefits from alcohol’s sedative nature keeping fighting-aged working men from seeing the decline in social fabric. Ghb, while significantly less damaging physically, socially and spiritually, has been panned hard as a “bad date rape drug” due to the fda being gay niggers and not wanting white men to feel nice and get hghgainz. Unironically I mean every word of this, and I know my shit.

T. Sipping on a cool 5ml in a craft ginger beer

No,that’s amyl nitrate, or “poppers”. But fags do a ton of ghb still, cus it balances out methamphetamine really well.

>Why is GHB so illegal while alcohol is still legal.
1) Date rape
2) OD and pass out in the cold - die
3) Alcohol has a very long history, dseeply rooted in culture and it is so easy to make (even niggers in the jungle can make it)

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I fail to see the problem

ginger is disgusting and why are you equating this drug with HGH?

I got bad on drinking for quite awhile and finally quit, now I just smoke weed on occasion. Much better than the night sweats, nightmares and random spasms you'd get after a bender. Scary shit and I never wanna feel that way again.

Ok sure but good luck selling the idea to the normies. Normies care about protecting other normie life.

>Why is GHB so illegal
Cause the drug itself has a very fine line between getting high and OD'ing.

i want to quit for a few months and then have a drink once or twice a month.

Not if you do meth and cocaine with it.

What about Fly Agaric?
If prepared right it can be at least just as fun as alcohol
It's also easy to prepare and was used traditionally in the North Europe and Syberia

>ginger is disgusting
You shut your dirty whore mouth

Currently on day 2 without alcohol. I'm quitting the shit myself. It's been rough. Glad to hear you made it through.

I quit liquor back in December but would still get pretty wasted off beer and just cut down on how much I was doing. It takes a few days to feel like it's all completely out of your system but once you have a full night's normal sleep that's how I knew the worst was over.

>What about Fly Agaric?
with that shit you get accute poisoning if you dont do it exactly right. Could be fun tho, i only had bad experiences tho