Wokism Is Never Going Away. This Is Why

Ever wondered why "get woke, go broke" never succeeded? Why companies have seemingly introduced toxic cultures, subsequently destroying their productivity and profits? Was it to target only leftist consumers? That makes no sense - they're alienating a large potion of the market in favor of only a small portion. You would be correct - it DOESN'T make sense.

Meet Larry Fink. Larry Fink has been a very busy bee over the last decade or two. He has created the largest hedge fund company in the entirety of history - BlackRock. Our story starts in 2008, during the housing bubble crash and Global Financial Crisis. The FED is freaking out, not knowing how to manage the situation. It looks extremely likely that the entire system will implode and they do not have the tools to stop it. Enter Larry Fink. Our boy Larry offered to help. He was running a $7 trillion dollar hedge fund at the time. They created the Maiden Lane vehicles where all of the defunct Wall Street giants' assets will be placed and managed by the FED officially, but in reality it was Larry who was the one to manage them.

Fast-forward to the 2020 crash. The FED is panicking again because the corporate bond market was about to collapse, as investors no longer wanted the zombie corps' debt. If this market went, corporations would no longer be able to fund themselves, except for issuing more stock which would future de-value equities and create a death spiral. So, who's come to save the day once more? Larry Fink. The FED basically told Larry to buy worthless bonds, and they in turn will actively buy his ETF to subsidize him. This in turn, means BlackRock is now having freshly-printed U.S. dollars purchase his ETF. BlackRock is now effectively part of the financial system, to the point where Bloomberg even called them "the Fourth Branch of Government."

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Now you might be wondering, "what does this have to do with 'wokism'? It's a rant about what we already know!" You see, our boy Larry Fink has recently become obsessed with something called ESG - Environment, Social & Corporate governance - investing. In short, Larry's investment philosophy is to reward companies that comply with certain rules regarding investment dollars. Examples of said-rules include the CEO not receiving a standard salary, and meeting employment standards pertaining to "diversity" and "inclusion". Larry is free to throw approximately $12 trillion dollars to the companies with the highest ESG score - in essence, a "woke score".

Perhaps you're thinking, "so what? Non-ESG companies can get investment dollars from elsewhere. That doesn't matter!" You would be wrong. BlackRock's Aladdin service is used by practically every major investment institution and fund around the globe. Most of these institutions and funds utilize the ESG ranking as well, even if they do not believe in it. After all, why would you want to draw the ire of the "Fourth Branch of Government" by not complying?

This has lead to every single corporation on Earth having to increase their "wokeness" to receive investment-dollars, otherwise their ESG score will be too-low and they will effectively be blocked from the market. This is why the agenda is being pushed at any and all cost. Mr. Fink has a hard-on for wokeness, and no one dares cross him. There really are no brakes on the rape train.

>tl;dr: Larry Fink has gained so much power, that he is strong-arming the entire financial world to only invest in "woke" companies

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You do know WEF created ESG scoring, right user?

It has one overlooked effect - centralization of the internet.

You see - cloud giants(google,amazon..) claim their datacenters are net-carbon-zero - it's accepted as a fact (gee I wonder why?).
In order for smaller corporations to lower their carbon footprint they are forced to migrate to cloud giants (good boy points- ESG) and ditch their datacenters altogether. Everything as a service tightly centraly controlled. Once you get on it, there is almost no way out.

It's not going away unless we have mass strikes of truckers and farmers and shut down the country and starve out the blue cities causing all this. It won't stop unless Google is absolutely smashed and decimated. It won't stop without some chaos.

shit video offers no explanation of the phenomenon whatsoever

Just go to Davos and assassinate them

Which of the four explanations did you find lacking?

They come together in Davos, best place to bomb

well shit i can fix this gimme a week

1 says its another barrier for startup companies and it couldnt be any farther from truth because every second yank nowadays identifies as a non-binary queer and america is exactly where all gigacorporations have their hqs
2 boils down to hurr durr managers be managers solving fictitious problems, it is somewhat related but not really the core issue
3 customers want it because they are programmed to want it by said corporations so its almost like trying to explain what was first the chicken or the egg
4 is just some schizo ramblings and conspiracies about ESG
the explanation why gigacorpos support benders and other filth is way simpler than all of the above, it is another field of class warfare, the ruling class feels no longer obligated to provide means for sufficient reproduction and are at liberty to flood their countries with third world migrants, woke culture is just a consequence of that + high mobility, work outsourcing and interconnected global economy

one more week

libertarians are also lying rats that promote oligarchy so i pity anyone stupid enough to fall for this

>buzzwords and catch phrases to explain why he rejects 4 points
>final sentence reiterates thesis he just claimed to disagree with
You either didnt actually read or didnt understand the thing before claiming it was bullshit. Are you just posting to get attention, or do you always "skim" arguments before disagreeing with them like the reddit psed you clearly are? Lazy narcissist about his own opinions, can't even notice he agrees before he tries to disagree.

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You’re getting terrified of the goy now. We know. 911, Liberty. Antifa riots.

Gog and Magog soon. Will you convert, flee, or will you die?

One of the two good posts I remember in this shithole.

The other was shilling this.
Read the reasoning behind neocon faggotry. Besides "muh lobbyists", of course.

This is actually based because in order for a corporotocracy (or any regime) to seize power it needs to lay MORAL claim to the right to rule. So it's building the framework to overtake the (dysfunctional, reviled) federal government


The Fed is the federal government. Infinite money lets you buy a lot of news stations and lobbyists.

Incredible. These giants need to be broken up.

ESG is currently the single most tangible destructive force in the West. Its not a conspiracy, not vague, and very real. More people should know about these all powerful financiers playing politics through the backdoor.