>Emily Bridges, 21, suffered threats of 'physical violence' following PM's comment
>Boris Johnson said 'biological males shouldn't compete in women's sports'
>The athlete made headlines about trans rights in elite sports such as cycling

How can people even take the side of this monstrosity? Just look at this fucking thing. Imagine your daughter training for years with blood, sweat, and tears just to get totally rekt by a dude with a mental illness. FUCKING. KEK.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 08.45.12.png (1772x1252, 2.22M)

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(((The issue)))

Its a useful distraction away from the fact that your leaders have robbed you blind and flooded your country with cheap labour.

I want a gold might identify as a trannie and start boxing


..thats.. a tranny? What are they putting in the fucking water? White boys wtf.

yeah, time to buy a display for the upcoming trophies and medals lmfao

Imagine caring about women's sports when we're ruled by evil psychopaths who want us all dead

how are you confused? it couldn't be more obvious

how about we stop btfo’ing people and love one another while we still can

That would be the shit. Just pummeling women. Until you ran into the nigger who had the same idea and get your fucking ass beat.

>love one another

Attached: 1654667247932.png (396x385, 118.86K)

How christian of you. Go fuck yourself. Until people stop wanting me dead just for existing (millions of people btw) they can get fucked.

>christian supporting trannies
since when did they lose their backbone? what happened to just killing niggers for fun? fuck modern day christcucks I swear

Transsexuality and anything lgbtq is an abomination to God. The lgbtq community also mocks God's promise to Noah to never flood the earth again. They are a satanic agenda pushed onto the people by various evil means to deceive them.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

Attached: catholics_beware_v3.2_optimized_optimized.jpg (4096x1376, 2.3M)

i don’t support transsexualism or any form of degeneracy, including your disgusting jeering. but, i love you

May God lead all of us to the truth. I pray for you brother.

Uhh the soft facial features? Round jaw, puffy cheeks, full non balding hair? Unless, you're saying the average white zoomer male looks like that? On the left it looks like a white woman, not so much on the right (leg muscles).

then why the fuck are you on this site? go full preacher mode on the streets or something

i’m preaching to you

here’s your nigger:


the one on the right is the one who looks like a woman the most. wtf do women look like in canada? for some reason I instantly knew it was a tranny.

how about you learn more about your religion first and all the contradictions that are in it christcuck. you literally believe in a book that has been written by unknown authors.

shut up with the christcuck shit you gay faggot. id rather be a mormon than be a retarded faggot like you

>id rather be a mormon than be a retarded faggot like you