Criminals are just ordinary people caught by racist justice system

> Criminals are just ordinary people caught by racist justice system.
> Hooray let's vote him.
> Release criminals.
> WTF vote him out.
Why are Americans like this

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“Progressives” aren’t American. They are Europeans who were born in the wrong country

All this stupid bullshit started out like a cancerous growth in your country and spread all over the world.

white americans can't accept their faults and ALWAYS blame others. Facts!

>“Progressives” aren’t American. They are Europeans who were born in the wrong country

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nonviolent drug offenses don't belong in jail.


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Was he too lienent?

Quote saved for posterity

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Found the chemically dependent bleeding heart fuckfaced loser

Because they are spoiled jewish aristocrats who benefit by exploiting everything around them. They are so spoiled many have forgotten how the world actually works, and therefore make inexplicably stupid decisions.

shut up nigger

99% of the people who get arrested on drug offenses are violent criminals and that just happened to be the thing they went down for

seethe more mutt

what kind of country are you building there, murrica? cops don't protect you, feds put you on watchlists, big corps posion your food/mind and rich people extract all your productivity while giving you peanuts.

do you use a meme flag because your country is so pathetic you're ashamed of it?

He’s a Jew you fucking retard

>muh weed, or other bullshit
incorrect, shitting up neighborhoods, you get the pressure washer into the sea. neighborhoods full of junkies degrade quality of life for working people and junkies should be gulag'd.

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He's talking about the people who voted for these retarded pro-criminal policies


what a gay thing to say

By attacking the homeland of white people? All the worst degeneracy originated in the US, and the US (and England) are the reason Europe is run by leftist democracies anyways- left to its own devices and without Anglo intervention in the world wars, Europe would be run by patriarchal authoritarian governments.

The right isn’t any smaller in Europe than it is in the US- it’s probably bigger, and not seeped in lolbergtarianism. The thing the media does where they act like all other countries are smug leftists laughing at -insert conservative politician from your country here- is universal; Bild and Le Monde do the same thing CNN and the NYT do.

dems and 65-70% of americans support policies you extreme right wingers don't yet gerrymandering gives you almost 50% control of congress so there are no changes. how can you honestly look at the country you live in and say that it's a good place and getting better? twice on much on public education and healthcare to get worse outcomes. WAY more on prescription drugs for the same thing. the dod is scamming you for trillions while providing security theater. women's rights will disappear soon. you don't even pay attention to demographics. you're brainwashed and delusional. it's sad.


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>women's rights will disappear soon
whoa based