Any Forums was right...the Coal Burner memes are real

I denied it for a long time, the truth is, I actually didn't see it around me. But now, I do. And it's fucking weird.

A little about me. I'm White, I would say above average in looks, fitter than most, have a good career and social skills are "above average". I attract White Women, it's my main "group" if that makes sense.

But lately, I'm seeing this really creepy trend of SOME White Women exalting Black Men. It's not exceptional Black Men, it's just ANY Black Man. I'm seeing it first hand in social circles and out places, gatherings, groups I belong to. I didn't even see this Phenomenon during the Trump years, when one would have thought something like this would be higher.

I'm not saying ALL White Women, but I am definitely seeing it with more "Left" leaning Women. But when I dig deeper and know them personally, it's almost always short lived. Like, a one-night-stand deal or a week long event, then they almost always have some sort of Buyer's remorse. And I keep seeing this shit play out.

I don't know what the fuck is going on. It's like I'm watching performance art go badly, and it's really fucking with me.

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Amazing creatures. Is the meat edible?

Yeah don’t settle with an American woman. Flights to Eastern Europe are cheap. Women here are fucking gross my guy.


I've been with both, eastern European women are worse.

Fake and gay

I live in California. Even living here I RARELY saw this shit happening. Every time I would see talk about "Coalburners" here, I thought it was just demoralization shit.

But the memes are real. It's all fucking real.

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After the nigger floyd riots I started to see white girls associate with niggers. It's died down a bit since but it's still more common than it used to be. The thing is women are highly suggestible. Feminism has turned them on their own men and the white guilt/anti-white propaganda has atomized a lot of whites and made them prone to self destructive tendencies. The good news is most women of any race aren't naturally attracted to niggers. This is obvious in how women used to be until a few years ago. This is also unlike yellow fever in some white men, which was a phenomenon long before propaganda and demoralization..The bad news is we're in a state of war and white women have been psyoped to go for niggers, and being the suggestible creatures they are, a few of them will fall prey.

Just remember, OP.

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>reddit spacing
>dont get what coal burner mean

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of course it's real. learn to live with the fact, user.

>The good news is most women of any race aren't naturally attracted to niggers.
then there's the bad news.
there is a little more to this.

I only ever see fat/trashy women with niggers irl

>least loyal white women make their way out of white genepool
I see this as an absolute win

>>white woman thought it was a good idea the other day to have her pet nigger at the park i take my dog to
>>tell her she must of had a shit father
>>she goes into a rage, black guy tries to act tough
>>i say try it nigger, they both do nothing
call them out user

Yeah it took me entirely too long to realize this, I'm sorry you are just now figuring it out as well, gives you a nauseating feeling in your stomach at first, but you get over it.

I'm so disgusted by the modern American woman I've already turned partially gay. Maybe it was always in me, but definitely felt like a mental hurdle to get over. Its even hotter now that I've made it to my 30's and never even considered being gay, so it still feels really taboo to even touch another dudes dick. Putting a hold on that as well with Monkey Pox (But if I was actually going to date a dude he would be a faggot in the sense he's slept around enough to get monkey pox)

I'm not trying to demoralize you.....or saying you should be a faggot, but the reason I turned to gayness was for sexual gratification the amount you have to put into with a girl is a decent time sink, even the one night stands, taking girl out to dinner, watching movie whatever and no guarantee of sexual shit. With a dude its straight up, no pun intended, lets get together and play videogames and jerk off. And if he's feminine enough (and they are more plentiful than you think, especially depending on your manliness, lots of feminine dudes who got too much estrogen out there) its still almost on par with getting your "Feels/Emotion/Physical touch meter taken care of. It quickly fills that gap cuddling with a feminine dude.

I also came to this conclusion with the odds that, I've interacted with thousands of females in my life, friends with....probably dozens up to my mid thirties, and out of ALL WOMEN, only 1 was worth anything marrying.......and after that 5 year ordeal....nothing....and what was possibly another catch was taken. The odds of finding a girl you are compatible with, that shares your morals and hasn't been a complete cum dumpster are realistically less than 1%.

You don't have to be LGBTQ faggot groomer to be gay. Keep it in the bedroom, like they were supposed to do...

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fuck off kike faggot

and before you say "HAH WHITE BOY CAN'T GET ANY SO DA BLACK BULL TAKES HIS WOMAN HAHAH" Once you realize the mindset of a woman who could fuck a nigger, or would even scold a white man for saying "nigger" while her people are getting killed at a record rate, you grow a distate, disgust, and overall disdain for them, besides in their low IQ lesser gendered mind, but you get a disgust for them overall, even as a piece of meat. They are lower than dogs (I don't like that saying cause dogs are the shit)

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haha wtf.

Eastern Europeans would literally sell their daughter to get the equivalent of minimal wage in germany, they are about as loyal as vultures

Sucks to be a yankee

Ferishizing monkeys is a 2010 decade thing bud. Nigger lover rates are lower than ever, coalburners who birthed monkey babies are living out the rest of their lives full of regret, and Blacked went defunct. The crown JEWel of whatever cuck fetish you had. Women don't care about it anymore, the ones who fell for it all got their asses beat or left as a single mother and girls today have plenty of examples as to why they shouldn't mix with the ape tribes.

Good Lord is that a tattoo or varicose veins?

Implying women learn from their mistakes let alone other women's mistakes

It pisses me off to no end when they do that sad pet face. That look a dog gives you when it shits on the rug and knows it did something wrong. That look is saying "I'm sorray suh I din mean to kill dat bhabie when I wuz punchin it 46 times, u know haw it iz please go eazy on a brutha." That look deserves a bullet between the eyes. The chick looks like downsy trash.

There's a BIG social barrier between dating blacks now and that wasn't the case not long ago, maybe right before BLM. I don't know why that changed it but women seem to not like black guys anymore and with how vicious they are they treat them the same as manlets where they just get a cold no or ignored. The cuckening only lasted a decade, and yes they did indeed learn. I cant pinpoint what it was but they had to see the mistakes of other women and realize these monkeys were genetic trash not worthy in the slightest of sharing their genes with.

Anyone and any society that upholds or promotes Negroids as a status symbol has no worth. They are viscerally repulsive on every conceivable level.

Also, White women are closer in mentality to niggers than White men, hence why most White men think their women are retarded. They are so caught up in the act of defiance that they never consider the consequences, just like niggers in all their estrogen enhanced femininity. Their obsession with visibly "resisting" and spiting the standard of life provided to them by White men shows their total dependence on it.

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