New Pride Flag

Greetings fellow LGBTQWERTY+ allies. I hope you are all having a happy Pride Month and you are all pledging allegiance to the Pride Flag daily. In recognition of the contribution of our Wiccan, Satanist, and Witchy allies to the movement, we have updated the official Pride Flag™ to be inclusive of these marginalized groups.

Please refrain from using the previous flag from now and make sure all of your friends and followers on social media are aware of this change so they are not mistaken as Nazis. Thank you for your continuing efforts to be as inclusive as possible. Have a gay/trans/lesbian/bisexual/queer Pride Month.

Attached: Wiccan Pride Worldwide - Copy.jpg (1280x816, 78.51K)

You forgot the Ukraine colors faggot

Kek. Well done. Bumping to correct this injustice

Ukraine colors plus therian/otherkin rep for inclusivity. Let's normalize REAL inclusivity

Also, good psyop, I'll get right on it sharing the flag around wherever can to see if I can get it to stick. "Wicca has been a major part of the identities of a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community and it needs to be represented and normalized"

My thoughts exactly. The Ukraine shit was an obvious hoax. I feel like this could actually get by.

Where's my pagan representation you goddamn bigot MAGA turd incel, fascist?

Attached: BlackSun.svg.png (1280x1280, 65.2K)

Ha, got a discord or telegram? This might be fun to organize

Wicca is Paganism for people who don't know shit about Paganism and just want to buy crystals and feel special. But you technically have it

I have both and I'd be down.

Share whichever one you care about less and give me the other social there

Leviticus 18-32 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination

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xnity bibble has thoughts about that faggotry...

hell fire and brim stone incoming...

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4 digit tag? Or drop telegram


user, that is Lot and his daughters. He literally fucks and impregnates both of them shortly after that occurred.

If you actually read your bible, you'd know that Lot's daughters basically raped him (well, at least by modern standards).

Oh, but I almost forgot. Before they left the city, that most holy and godly man Lot, offered both of his virgin daughters up to a horny and angry mob. I never quite understood why christards point to this story as a lesson in morality.

Done, add me real auick to confirm

Grd is the name

Ignorance of near-eastern hospitality culture baka. Lot has taken the guests under his roof and therefore is obligated to defend them with everything he has. He can't fight off the mob so he offers his daughters (his property) to satiate them. It's not ideal by any means, but it was the best he vould do under the circumstances.

I like this flag better

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Done. Talk in the morning user.

We need to lump all the mentally ill idiots, niggers and annoying beggars together under one banned