How badly are microplastics fucking us?

How badly are microplastics fucking us?

Attached: microplastics.jpg (1200x675, 271.44K)

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The frogs are gay.

survival of the fittest, if you can't cope with a little bit of plastic in your blood you deserve to die

Boomers unironically inhaled lead until way past when their brains fully developed and look how retarded they turned out to be

Attached: lead brain.png (864x403, 46.72K)

if we have milk in carton containers why not soda or water?

Retarded response

dont you want to live in a world with kids throwing coke cartons at you? i do

There's a plastic layer inside the milk box

fuck you faggot its wax

>not having already moved on to macroplastics

>he said, fully sterilized and hormones completely ruined

Isn't there a bacteria that eats plastic? Just transplant it into your body.

i think there's a plastic lining inside aluminum cans as well

i think all of mine are from scraping the yogurt bottoms. do they have silicone spoons?

I want more shit made using Mycelium/Fungus
Only problem is it's WAY slower than shilling out 10 plastic shells per second, thanks to Pressure Forming and Water Cooling

if everyone is sterile from plastic, why are there still babies being born


This isn't the first time someone has mentioned this and it explains the emptiness and stubbornness all boomers have about them. Really puts everything into perspective. Fuck.

>falling for the microplastics scam
Leftists always sperg over things that can't be seen or proven

Attached: 1674599 - 4chan Feels_Guy Pepe Wojak meme (1).jpg (257x400, 47.67K)

Choose glass bottles
Nice quads tho

plastics and food aren't really the problem, it's fucking tires, we are breathing in tires and road debris and it's getting into our blood, which is the only reason I have for being anti-car, horses and buggies were fucking cooler anyway

Covid-19 masks ‘cause plastic fibre inhalation – but we should still use them’

Attached: Untitled.png (581x575, 253.06K)

>How badly are microplastics fucking us?
Sterilization tier, x10 times worse than lead fuel, will take at least 1000 years to revert the damage, and that's within a very generous "if" outright screaming it would mean the entire world going after the heads of politicians and scientists alike, so they chose to keep their mouth shut to avoid decapitation

True unless the plastic turns people into trannies (likely). Humans are remarkably resilient creatures. More so than most organisms. A lot of things start to go extinct if you so much as sneeze towards their fragile ecosystems. Good luck finding anything that can survive smoking two packs a day for 3/4s of its lifespan while eating unutritional garbage 24/7.

based and adapt pilled