Does Japan need more immigrants?

Does Japan need more immigrants?

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yeah they do, desperately

They need white males for sure

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It needs more BBC

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hello sir, here in my country theres a lot of japanese women who get married and live here, i dont know exactly why, but i think japanese and peruvians are the same race so they get atracted, thank you for your time

They need some MEgrants lmao

No, China does though preferably from Africa

Also shill thread memeflags sage

Just not your black ass

Yes, Japan isn't diverse enough. Send in the chimps!

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Japan is full, fuck off


The economic system of every developed country in the world is based on perpetual growth, which is only possible with an increasing population. Make of that what you will. But it doesn't matter because Japan's culture isn't suited to bringing in immigrants. They could bring them in but they'll be useless to the economy without knowing Japanese - written and spoken - and being accepted and welcomed enough that they actually want to stay. Neither will happen.
So regardless of whether the old men running Japan decide they want immigration or not, their economy is going to decline and Japanese people will get poorer. This is unavoidable for them without literally a literal revolution like America taking over their government and reshaping the culture and making English the official language.

I heard there were some open spots.

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I dont need to be an immigrant. I'll just visit briefly to inseminate fat nihon no onna with my white genes.

Only white cock. Their women need it, that is desu.

I don't give a fuck about Japan.

Not the "economic" system. The BANKING system presumes infinite growth.

Every time the Jews try to send a boatload full of Migrants to Japan, the Japanese Navy sinks it in 10 thousand feet of water, then denies doing it. And sends the bill to Israeli news organizations operating in Europe and America.

The bill doesn't get paid, but both sides understand each other. You attack us, we attack you.

stfu weeb. If I wanna go to Japan I will go to Japan and your pasty ass can sit there and seethe like the cuck you are.

gross dude lmao, u can't pull a white woman so you make these shitty images of bugwomen

>Japan's culture isn't suited to bringing in immigrants.
Japan's culture is literally centered around pleasing western white foreigners. Japanese women flock to white men, like moths to candle flame.

Yes, yes they do.

Japanese women only like white cock, though. Very few Japanese women go for black men. White men are powerful. Asian women like power. Most japanese women would be ashamed of being seen with a black broken buck. They take pride in showing off their white males to their Asian families and friends though. That will never change. Japan was built on the White cock.

America's culture is centered around pleasing niggers and both the women and men love nigger cock.

They need more white people in their porn.

no. japan is full, fuck off. keep japan for the japanese.

kek, I've been there and done that (Japanese pussy).